Saturday, April 30, 2011


I love movies.  I always have.  I can watch a movie over and over and over.  Many times God speaks to me through movies.  Some of my favorites are: While You Were Sleeping, Princess Bride, King Arthur, Robin Hood (Russell Crowe).  Some great lines are in these movies.  From King Arthur, "No man fears to kneel before the God he trusts."  O how sweet that is.

I grew up in "religion".  You know, can't dance, can't wear make-up, can't go roller skating because of the satan music they play.... One day I asked my mom what I "could" do.  She was speechless.  Through my walk I have discovered an intimate relationship with "God".  He is my Heavenly Abba, my Daddy.  That may offend some, but the closeness has given me the privilege to know Him that way.  Another one of my favorites is NCIS.  There is a scene in season 8 where Ziva David is looking for her father.  She goes to the synagogue where he is hiding out and she starts at the back of the building crying out his name.  Abba, Abba, Abba.....  As I watched, I heard that soft Voice say, "That is what I want My children to do.  Walk into a situation, a place, enemy's territory and cry out My Name, Abba, Daddy, Father, and I will rush in."  There is no fear to humble myself before Daddy who I trust.  I trust Him with my life, my family, my finances, my future.  He knows my pain, my joys, my tears, and my laughter.

In Robin Hood, "Rise and rise again until lambs become lions" is echoed.  It is said to mean 'never give up'.  In my life I have had to rise and rise again, never giving up.  I lived in a household where depression was hid.  I married into a family that did not accept me.  I lost a child.  I battled and AM completely healed of two cancers, I have been told 3 times I will die (ha).  I have lost a marriage, I have walked though a horrible divorce.  I have fought for my children's rights and protection.  I have been accused of horrible things.  I have been lied to, stabbed in the back, deceived, used, abused....BUT I rise and rise again.  See, even the Word of God says a righteous man falls seven times, but he gets up again (Proverbs 24:16).  We must rise and rise again.  We must become lions for our generation and the generations to come.

I was texting with a family member and sharing stories of my aunt (his grandmother).  In sharing life stories we encourage others by examples of warriors rising up.  She had to rise and rise again to fight for her children's children's children.  She is her grandson's rock, demonstration of faith here on earth, instructions on how to live life and live it boldly.  Rise and rise again is for the humble, faithful, loyal, trustworthy, righteous, determined, lovers of the Most High God.  Sometimes in our struggles we feel like King Arthur standing all alone on the hill ready to face the whole Saxon army. But I know I have reinforcements in the unseen realm.  I have angels of the Lord's Army standing beside me, Holy Spirit raging in me, and the Holy Word flowing from my deep inner soul.

I want at the end of my life (I tell my kids I am living to be 103) on my gravestone it to be written "And the Legacy Begins".  What are you rising for?  What are you leaving behind? Pain struck, empty victims or faith filled, battle ready warriors.....

1 comment:

  1. This so awesome Kim! I can totally relate to the marrying into a family that doesn't accept you. It's tough to feel less than ok. But as time goes by it gets easier for me to put my faith in God AND in my husband who accepts me for who I am. I still care that Nates family feels the way they do about me but it doesn't wreck my days, like it used to, it makes me run into my Daddys arms/presence to see what He says and wants from me. Which then helps me to forgive those who are against me. I always think about what the future holds. Will his family ever change? I don't know, but what I do know is that I will never allow them to make me feel like I shouldn't be the person I am today ever again! My husband loves me in spite of what his family thinks and that is our God in him. I love your blog keep it coming and never give up! Love you
