Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Miracle....

On Sunday, while being fed meat, the Word was so savory that all week I have mediated on it.  The passage was from Luke 8:22-40.  Talk about left turns.  Jesus tells His guys, "Let's go across the lake."  Jesus knew what was before them.  So they got in the boat.  These were fishermen.  They were afraid, so that tells me it was one heck of a storm.  In my life, I am confident in who I am and my purpose.  But sometimes storms come and I am totally afraid.  But just like the guys in the boat, I know where to run, who to shake, how to cry out to... My Daddy ALWAYS answers me! They land and a naked crazed man is their greeting committee.  (I try to avoid those kind of men) But he needed what the guys in the boat needed...a miracle! 

It is interesting that the guys in the boat and the demoniac needed a miracle, a life changing event to happen immediately.  They ran to Jesus.  They received.  But it is amazing how the people around them acted, friends, family, townspeople, local church, they demanded that Jesus leave.  They liked the way things were.  Some people in your life don't want you to have a miracle. They don't want change. Jesus went through a storm and came across a lake for one man, who need of desperation was so great that only a radical miracle was the solution.  That is love.  My Daddy comes when I have a need.  See, I run to Him because He is in my boat, He is on the shore of my chaos.  I believe in Jesus with every ounce of energy in me, but sometimes I have to cry out, humble myself, and ask for Daddy to help with my unbelief.  That is when I am stretched.  My need is daily. 

I am so blessed to belong to an intimate family.  I am believing for life changing events to happen immediately.  I need daily miracles.  I belong to Daddy, Abba!

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