Saturday, January 21, 2012


2011 was HELL!  I lived through it.  Did I pray? Yes.  Did I give thanks? Yes.  Did I preach the gospel, lead people to Christ, minister, love Daddy with everything in me?  Yes, yes, yes and YES!  But it was a horrible year!  I walked through some ugly trials, hurtful situations, and loneliness beyond belief.  It wasn't just on one front but from every direction.  I took three pay cuts before being let go.  I lost so many 'friends' who weren't real friends at all.  I cried out for healing for me and my family.  And I cried a lot..... 

On New Year's Eve, I cried out for such a break through.  I felt it break in the heavenlies.  Ephesians 6:13 in the Weymouth New Testament says, "Therefore put on the complete armor of God, so that you may be able to stand your ground on the day of battle, and, having fought to the end, to remain victors on the field."  That is IT!  Daddy doesn't look at me and say, "Why didn't you do this or that?"  He looks to see if I was strong and obedient to His Word.  At the end of the day it is His Word that I cling to, hold on to, breathe life from.  Many say how 'strong and bold' I am.... That is the armor of God they see.  My Daddy sees me humbly on my face before His throne crying out to the Living God.  He is the One who holds the little girl trembling in me.  I am the victor on the battlefield standing with the Armies of the Most High God.  The ground I am standing on is firm, sure, and engulfs me in total love.  The sword I wield is flaming with passion that impact eternity. 

2012 is a year to decree... to decree desires, to decree increase of love, peace, strength, purity, answered prayers, health, prosperity, power, revelation, wisdom, joy, and intimacy with my Daddy.... Godly hope is tangible.  Hope established in faith.  Settle it in faith and remain victors on the field.....

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Many times we go through rough storms that  are so turbulent that there seems like no hope, no light...  Then in the spirit realm we feel it.  Something breaks.... It is so loud that you feel it down into your most inner core.  As the storm clouds begin to dissipate, rays of hope, courage, and determination begin to grow.   My family and I are there.....