Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Chosen to be faithful.....

Ps. 119:30 "I have chosen to be faithful." I read this scripture this morning and thoughts began to fly.  Am I faithful and what am I faithful to? Who am I faithful to? Is there a difference between faithful and loyalty? 

Faithfulness is a characteristic that is in high demand.  King David used the wording "have chosen", which means there is a choice.  I chose to be faithful.  I chose to be faithful in raising my children.  I have purposed to be an honorable mother with strong morales and values that are instilled daily in my children.  I chose to be faithful to my job, working with excellence, striving to do the best quality work possible.  I chose to be faithful to my friends, not gossiping, back biting, or slandering them with my words, thoughts, or deeds but to be up lifting, exhorting, and encouraging, there with a hand extended and a shoulder to cry on.  I chose to be faithful to my church, supporting with my money, time, and energy.  I chose to be faithful to my health, striving to live longer and healthier to see my children's children's children's children's. (Yes, my great, great grandchildren)  I chose to be faithful to my addictions.  Yes I have addictions...Pepsi, Moravian Falls, Camaros, Pink Ladies Apples, NCIS......

I chose to be faithful to Jesus Christ.  This is a daily choice.  This is something that has to be walked out and purposeful.  I have to look at each decision, word, thought, deed and listen to what Daddy would have for me.  This is where trust and loyalty comes in.  I can be totally faithful to something but not be loyal.  I can also be totally loyal to something but not be faithful.  These three words are all intertwined together.  What is even more incredible is Daddy choose to be faithful to ME!!! He purposes to love, protect, give peace, joy, grace and mercy to me on a moment by moment basis.  His faithfulness goes beyond my imagination.  Since the beginning of time, He chose me.  How do I know? John 15:16 says, " You did not choose me. I chose you."  Wow, what a promise to stand on.  I have been chosen. 

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