Friday, March 25, 2011

My First

This is all new to me...blogging.  Through my whole life, God has always had me make left turns.  Let me explain.  Major events in my life have not been an easy right hand turn into traffic where you look to the left, merge slowly into traffic and continue to accelerate.  No, I have had to cross at least four lanes of heavy traffic, dodging on coming cars, semis, vans, motorcycles, trucks, swerving this way and that way, questioning if this was really the hand of God, and finally 'gunning' it to make it into the opposite flowing lanes.  As I get my vehicle (life) straighten out on the road, it looks like a peaceful Sunday drive.  THEN God says turn left.  Here we go again.

I am a single mom, raising teenagers.  I love this part of my life.  Full of excitement, adventure, emotions, and love.  My children are awesome.  I have raise independent thinkers, who know the most important thing is life is "knowing" God intimately.  This has not been an easy road.

Last weekend I was sitting at a conference enjoying the prophetic teaching, when the speaker said, "There are people in this room who are supposed to write, even if it a blog."  Well can I tell you, Holy Spirit about knocked me out of my chair.  I heard, "I have given you a name for this blog, "Another Left Turn".  So this is my journey.  I will share my past, my future, and my present.  Hopefully, others will be touched.

So come along on a joy is never dull when riding with me!


  1. I'm loving this. Sitting here on my couch I'm reminded of why I started writing too, and no it was not just for me. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Good stuff Kim! Even if I can't or don't talk to you everyday I can at least hear you as I read your blog :) Love it and I love you!
