Saturday, August 4, 2012


A couple weeks ago someone asked why I haven't been blogging.  I replied, "I have been walking through some horrible stuff.  Don't think anyone wants to read about THAT!"  Well, I changed my mind.  When you are walking through CRAP, it is amazing how everyone has the 'right' answer, great advise, and can show you EXACTLY where you are wrong.  They say things that cut deep or are their opinions that don't even make sense.  Thus the reason for 'this' blog....

A couple days ago I found out a close friend betrayed my confidence to someone else.  This other person began making judgment calls on me and my family, instead of coming to us directly.  They stated that "our family is so hurt and we would never find a church that will meet up to our standards!"  Hhhmmm.... Of course that one stuck with me a couple of days.  In conversations with Daddy, I, of course, brought this up quite a few times.  My standard for the Church: I believe that my standard for the Church is reflected in the New Testament.  Peter described it, Timothy preached it, Paul died for it.  I believe it begins with LOVE.  And there is no ending to this Love.  It is unconditional, lays down its life for others, full of hope, kindness, generous, all encompassing, secure, tried and tested.  Isn't that the CHURCH that Christ DIED for! Wasn't that His vision, for us to walk whole and complete, if not why did He come to earth?

One of the kewl ways that Daddy shows me things is through dreams and visions.  In my opinion the difference between a dream and vision is your eyes are shut in one and opened in the other.  So after mulling these comments over and over, Daddy showed me a picture of 'the church' and how many are run.  Especially the ones where people are still bleeding and hurting, and needing others to reach out and help them through life.....

So I 'saw' a fire chief, firefighter, and two EMTs rush to a scene.  The scene had a man trapped in a car bleeding and in excruciating pain.  The fire chief ordered the firefighter to get the Spreader (Jaws of Life) which he did and laid at the chief's feet.  The EMTs had huge black medical bags filled with medicine to take away the pain, gauze, bandages, splints, everything the trapped man would need.  All four of these people stood so the trapped man could see them.  The chief yelled loud and clearly, "Come sir to us, we HAVE ALL YOU NEED to heal, stop bleeding, to save your life, BUT you have to come and get it.  You have to come and take part of ALL the programs and training courses we offer so you can be a 'whole' person.  We are right here waiting for you to get connected." I sensed the chief  represented a pastor.  I immediately started crying.  Dear God is that how the 'church' is run today?! My heart was grieved.  How many of US sit in church, live next to neighbors, work with co-workers, who are just like that man trapped?  We have ALL they need and we want them to 'get connected', to 'reach' out to others, to come get involved in programs, when all they need is love, healing, and restoration.  O MY GOD! PLEASE don't let me walk through this whole painful walk and not use these vital lessons. What my family is walking through--we are the one in the car trapped and needing love, healing, and restoration, not programs, gossip, and harsh words.  Let me reach out daily to others and help them where they are in life, even in my pain and bleeding.  Keep my heart soft and tender to hear others' needs.  Let others hear mine.  

On my quest, I pray I learn what I need to learn quickly so I do not have to repeat the lesson.  I have discovered a great deal about others and myself.  And I cling tightly to Daddy's hand......

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