Saturday, August 27, 2011

Twists and turns....

Life is interesting, full of twists and turns... Something happened in my family's lives this week, it made me think how most of the time we do not stop, breathe, and look beyond our own selves.  It is usually all about 'me'.  Why do people do certain things?  Do we know their heart? Do we know if they just lost a loved-one? Had a car accident? Lost their job?  Got served with divorce papers?

People make decisions everyday.  Hard ones, the kind that took hours, days, or even months of tears, prayers, and seeking answers.  When they act on these decisions, we have no right judging, slandering, or criticizing what they feel Daddy has told them to do.  The world is so full of anger and selfishness.  We as the body of Christ are to be so full of LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS, AND SELF-CONTROL....

Gentleness and kindness are two extremely powerful words.  If we would just walk in gentleness and kindness how different would our world be.  Imagine, just sitting with someone when they tell you about a hard decision they have to make.  You reach out and embrace them, bless them, and comfort them. The world screams at them that they are wrong, made a decision to hurt someone,  criticizes them because of selfishness, belittles them, when all along they have been listening in prayer and know this is the best decision for their family.  No meanness, no vindictiveness, no malice, just a life change to lead their family in Daddy's Will.  Seriously, are we really that immature?!   

Next time someone make a decision, stop and look at it from their stand point.  Ask Daddy to give you their viewpoint before you jump to conclusions.  Encourage one another through life.....

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