Saturday, March 10, 2012

Another Joy Ride......

I was talking with a friend the other day.  She lives a great distance from me.  She expressed how my blogs have encouraged her.  I have taken a lot of grief, backlash, and criticism for my blogs.  It was awesome to hear that it has helped someone.  I began to pray regarding it.  Daddy reassured me that it was His calling on me and I was to continue..... So here we go on another ride with Daddy holding my hand.

In deep conversation with my 20 year old daughter, I began to cry.  The trials, tribulations, tears, hardships and pain I have walked through was overwhelming. Many have no clue.  Even recently, I have been crushed to the core.  I was taken aback by the tremendous love and compassion that my Daddy had overtaken me with.  My Daddy LOVES me.... 

Isn't it perfectly normal and healthy to ask Daddy about things we are facing in our life!  This is part of our relationship with Him.  What is deep down inside us is important to us and Daddy.  It is who we are.  It is the strength, integrity, and fortitude of who we are.  Expressed through love. is an unbreakable covenant.  This love that laid down His life for me is unchanging, unmeasured, has no fear in it, seals me for eternity, is greater than any force, is proven and secure.  There is absolute integrity, full of protection, and gives me approval.  We are made in His image, stamped with approval.  That is why we don't handle rejection well.  We are accepted.  Daddy never withdraws love.   Sometimes all I have is His Word....  I am worth everything to Him.  How do I know? The price was paid.  My spirit is brought into the Kingdom.  I have all access.  I am His Beloved...  

I confided in someone the other day how hurt I was.  I used the word 'crushed'.  I could hear Daddy's love flow through them as they said, "To be crushed is a good sign it means your heart is is when our heart is not crushed that we know we are in trouble...."  My Daddy loves me.  The degree of true love that flows forth from us can best be measured by our ability to forgive those who have unjustly wounded us.

So where do I turn now?!  My blinker is on, I am looking both ways, waiting for a clear path.... I hear Daddy say, "forward".  I grab tightly to His hand and I feel His other arm sweep around me and pick me up.  Close to His heart I hear, "We are beginning a new adventure.  Breakthrough is NOW.  Hope is alive.  My faith is stronger by the works I do.  Speak, touch, hold, listen, dream, and share MY LOVE." We are on a joy ride....

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