Hilarious...... I asked permission to post this. Remember I am a teacher and the stories never stop coming.
The other day, in one of the classrooms, a student just blurted out the word 'PUBERTY'. (They must have heard the word from somewhere and had been thinking about it) The teacher raised an eyebrow. The student asked quizzitvely, "What does that word mean?" The teacher explained this was a discussion for their parents to have with them. The other students began chiming in. "What does it mean? Is it bad? Is it good? Why won't you tell us?" The teacher persisted that they wait until the get home and discuss this as a family matter. One of the students had a bright idea....they would look the word up in the dictionary. So a mad dash was made to the class dictionary. Well, the student looked up the incorrect word. Instead of reading the definition for 'puberty', they read the definition for 'purity'.
Purity: The condition or quality of being pure; freedom from guilt or evil; innocence....
The students immediately started asking the teacher why she didn't want to discuss 'puberty'. It was a good thing to be pure, free from guilt or evil. They were innocence. They wanted puberty. Puberty is a good thing. Everyone should want puberty. They even began to chant about having puberty. The teacher had to stop them and explain they MUST have a discussion with their parents regarding 'puberty'.....
When the teacher was telling this story, I was in tears laughing so much. Life lesson: when you don't know what a word means, always use a dictionary :)
It is amazing how Daddy loves to get all His children on the same page. As I was sitting in church today, the pastor says, "God is often silent in some situations, but that does not reflect how He feels about you." I had just had a conversation with my daughter regarding this. Daddy's silence does NOT mean disapproval. In fact when He is quiet, many time He is thrilled with us. He doesn't need to voice His directions every second if He has given His mature sons and daughters a specific Word. We are doing well walking out His command. He will, however, give us reassurance when we ask.
I gave an illustration to my daughter. When she was learning how to walk, she would hold on to everything and not let go. We tried to get her to walk across the living room floor without holding on to anything. Nope, she would plop her butt down and crawl to the other side. So I got some wooden clothes pins. She held on to one end and I held on to the other. I walked her across the living room floor eight to ten times. Each time I would encourage her on the outstanding job she was doing. Then one time I let go without her knowing. She walked the complete breadth of the room without my help. When she looked up for my encouragement, she realized I was not holding on anymore. Thus she immediately plopped down. But I squealed with delight on how great and awesome she did. Her face lit up. Then we walked back across the room together, me holding the clothes pins with her. Eventually, she gained enough confidence that she was walking EVERYWHERE without my assistance.
Isn't that how Daddy is with us! He holds our hand, gives us directions, and walks with us. He is so delighted when we step out on faith and trust that He IS there, cheering us on. Don't allow your present situation to determine your future.... Daddy's Words are true and steadfast. If He has said it, it will come to pass. Continue to walk by faith, ask for reassurance, and know He cannot leave you. How does He feel about you? He LOVES you! He loves you when you plop your butt down and crawl to your destination. He loves you when you cry out, "I don't get it. Why is this taking soooooo long?" He loves you when you are hurting, bloody, and desperate to be held by Him. He loves you when you fall flat on your face. Daddy loves! We have to grasp this so deep in our spirit. We are made in His image and are and will always be connected to Him by His LOVE... It is who He is. When the boss let's you go from a job, when your husband says there is someone else, when the diagnosis is cancer, when there isn't enough money to pay the bills, when the doctors says you have lost a child, when your parents step into eternity, when close friends and spiritual leaders walk away, when you are lonely and want just to be held, when..... Daddy is LOVE. He is there to hold the 'clothes pins' in life and watch you successfully walk across the floor. How do I KNOW this.... I have successfully walked through each and every one of those circumstances. My Daddy LOVES!!!

I was talking with a friend the other day. She lives a great distance from me. She expressed how my blogs have encouraged her. I have taken a lot of grief, backlash, and criticism for my blogs. It was awesome to hear that it has helped someone. I began to pray regarding it. Daddy reassured me that it was His calling on me and I was to continue..... So here we go on another ride with Daddy holding my hand.
In deep conversation with my 20 year old daughter, I began to cry. The trials, tribulations, tears, hardships and pain I have walked through was overwhelming. Many have no clue. Even recently, I have been crushed to the core. I was taken aback by the tremendous love and compassion that my Daddy had overtaken me with. My Daddy LOVES me....
Isn't it perfectly normal and healthy to ask Daddy about things we are facing in our life! This is part of our relationship with Him. What is deep down inside us is important to us and Daddy. It is who we are. It is the strength, integrity, and fortitude of who we are. Expressed through love. Love....it is an unbreakable covenant. This love that laid down His life for me is unchanging, unmeasured, has no fear in it, seals me for eternity, is greater than any force, is proven and secure. There is absolute integrity, full of protection, and gives me approval. We are made in His image, stamped with approval. That is why we don't handle rejection well. We are accepted. Daddy never withdraws love. Sometimes all I have is His Word.... I am worth everything to Him. How do I know? The price was paid. My spirit is brought into the Kingdom. I have all access. I am His Beloved...
I confided in someone the other day how hurt I was. I used the word 'crushed'. I could hear Daddy's love flow through them as they said, "To be crushed is a good sign it means your heart is soft...it is when our heart is not crushed that we know we are in trouble...." My Daddy loves me. The degree of true love that flows forth from us can best be measured by our ability to forgive those who have unjustly wounded us.
So where do I turn now?! My blinker is on, I am looking both ways, waiting for a clear path.... I hear Daddy say, "forward". I grab tightly to His hand and I feel His other arm sweep around me and pick me up. Close to His heart I hear, "We are beginning a new adventure. Breakthrough is NOW. Hope is alive. My faith is stronger by the works I do. Speak, touch, hold, listen, dream, and share MY LOVE." We are on a joy ride....