I have heard many times in my Christian walk, bloom where you are planted, put down roots where are you planted, God plants you where He wants you....
We took a family vacation. We had arrived in Charleston, SC and we're eating at a Crackle Barrel (family favorite). We were looking through brochures on 'what to do'. Our waitress asked if we were from out of town. She then said, "I can give you a list of places to go and see that are not in those brochures." We were intrigued. So the adventure began....
We are all seeds planted in the rich soil... |
It is our responsibility to hunger, thirst, and grow where Daddy has planted us...
This grew from one acorn... |
The Angel Oak is a Live Oak. It is estimated to be between 350-400 years old. It is 85 feet in height, 25.5 feet in circumference, 17,000 sq. feet in area shade and the largest limb is 11.25 feet in circumference and 89 feet in length.
Who are you touching where you have been planted.... |
Oaks are a symbol of strength and endurance. They are very resistant to insect and fungal attack because of their high tannin content. Holy Spirit began showing me the spiritual implications. We are strong and endure through the power of Holy Spirit. We can resist the enemy, attacks, and fiery darts because of the Blood of Jesus that runs through us. As our journey continued more revelation was given. We visited a plantation. There were freshly planted peach trees. Our guide said it takes at least 3 years before they bear fruit. His job is to nurture, feed, and protect the saplings so they will be come fruitful. Hhhmmm...it doesn't take a rocket scientist to relate that to a spiritual walk. People we lead to Christ need nurturing, to be fed, and protected so they can bear fruit also.
We came to the main driveway and the guide began to explain the Live Oaks planted there. They were planted in 1764. They locked their roots together for stability and strength. Not a single tree has been lost to a hurricane. There are 90 of them. The only one that was lost was struck by lightning.
Holy Spirit began saying, "They may be called Oaks of righteousness, interlocking their arms with one another. If one stumbles, the other one holds them up. There is no cutting, stabbing, back biting, or gossip that would bring them down. They provide covering, safety, love, and shade to all who will. It is a prophetic picture of who you are to be." I began to cry. Daddy, help me fulfill this.
Isaiah 61:3...to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called
Oaks of Righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified...
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