On October 21, 2011, Daddy had me take another left turn. This was not a small turn, like I have ever had a small one. This was huge. I was laid off!! Now a little background. I am a single mom on an extremely tight budget already. So I did what most people would do.... I hit my knees and CRIED like a baby.
The next five weeks of job hunting, resume emailing, and application printing were lessons to be learned. One of my closest friends said to me, "This is a time to REST!" Hahahahahahahaha, inhale, hahahahaha. How can someone rest when there is no money coming in. Then I heard Daddy say, "Cut all social media." OMG! I am isolated! What am I going to do?! Well, that is where my journey began....
I have grown, been stretched, and have completely rested for five weeks. They have been the BEST five weeks. I have learned so much: how to rest in Him, how to hear clearer, the ability to minister from that intimate place, to grasp the cross like never before. As Daddy releases me to write, I want to share this wonderful, incredible journey I have taken.
Ps 36 states, "Be still and KNOW I am God!" I have experienced the scripture and am still finding new facets of it daily..... I heard deep in my spirit these words, "You have never been passed over by God--this is a new season of knowing the Love of God and who 'I am' is, to be valued and validated. A season of 'US'. Wow, how do you grasp that?! When was the last time you stopped everything to spend time (I am not talking about your minute devotions, seriously....) real, quality time with your Daddy? All blessings are already mine. The Bible is my legal binding covenant. Jesus became the curse so all blessings will be mine... It is not behavior He is looking for, it is faith. Once you fight a battle and win with the Word of God, that becomes your position of operative authority. You now decree from that place of victory! And my decrees begin......
Making left turns in life while holding tightly to God's hand.... Enjoy the joy ride!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Day without favor....
I am enjoying my new found freedom Daddy has allowed into my life. I have been soaking while listening to Graham Cooke. "A Christian is someone who cannot contemplate a day without favor." Wow! What a statement. Every day of my life is and will be covered with favor. When my Daddy places His finger on my situation, miracles happen. God is an awesome God. He is not intimidated by His awesomeness, nor is He surprised by His Power, Authority, and Love.... Who is really in control?! Every curse anyone speaks against you must be turned to a blessing. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. So how easy is this to live in favor? An illustration was given and it is so powerful and simple. Daddy has given you all power, authority and love in His Son, Jesus. All you have to do is walk it out step by step. The clip below was described by Graham Cooke. Daddy said, "See, it is not a fair fight. It is that simple! Just shoot the enemy with what I have given you." So lets get the facts straight.....
Satan--A fallen created angel who only took 1/3 of the angels with him
Daddy--His Son, Jesus, who died and rose again for your and my eternal life, Holy Spirit, who is a Guide, Comforter, Power, Authority and lives inside of us, 2/3 of the angels, and Himself, who created Heaven and Earth
The battle has been won, we just need to fight for it. Yes, it is ours, but we must step out and take it. It is ours by faith and the battle is our pathway to possessing the promises God has given us. So be like Indiana Jones, take what Daddy has given you, and destroy the irritating enemy in your circumstances.
Satan--A fallen created angel who only took 1/3 of the angels with him
Daddy--His Son, Jesus, who died and rose again for your and my eternal life, Holy Spirit, who is a Guide, Comforter, Power, Authority and lives inside of us, 2/3 of the angels, and Himself, who created Heaven and Earth
The battle has been won, we just need to fight for it. Yes, it is ours, but we must step out and take it. It is ours by faith and the battle is our pathway to possessing the promises God has given us. So be like Indiana Jones, take what Daddy has given you, and destroy the irritating enemy in your circumstances.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
My life has taken a major turn. I am contending for who I am and what I have. Not in the physical stuff in my life but what has been deposited inside of me for a lifetime. Daddy is showing me never let a situation take anything from me. Every situation must yield something to me. That is why I am in Christ. If we can conceive it in our heart, it can be realized in our experience. Daddy is showing how I am to go into places and say, "This territory is mine because I serve the Great I Am." Faith gives you imagination. Daddy does everything intentional. I have been given prophesies, dreams, and promises. These replace my doubt, fear, unbelief. The possibilities with Daddy are limitless.
I was on Facebook and one of my friends posted the photo below. I was speechless.... Daddy immediately said, "That is you right now in your life." If any of you know me, I LOVE to swing or rock. When I was little, I told my mom when I grew up my house would be full of rocking chairs. And it is. This photo released an awe in me. The possibilities, the view, the grasp of what can be, the joy, peace, and fun, overwhelmed, breathtaking, the trusting, the dreaming, the bright horizon.... The girl is even bare footed!!
There is such a freakish peace in my life right now. In July of this year, Daddy gave me 3 prophetic words. Everything, and I mean everything, has come against those words. He told me to dream and imagine these words coming to pass. They are coming to pass! I was explaining to someone regarding these words and they expressed that I shouldn't worry or be concerned. I laughed. It is like this---remember when you were little and at Christmas time your family would go to each set of grandparents' houses for the holidays then you would come back to your home to open more gifts. You got to have THREE Christmases. That is how I feel. Each one of these prophesies coming to pass is like a Christmas at the grandparent's house. I am excited about going to the next grandparent's house and opening more presents. It is overwhelming, exciting, peaceful, full of laughter and joy, such refreshing and rest. I know (because He told me) all will be fulfilled. How much fun is that..... It is like swinging out over the territory of my promises. And look at ALL those promises!!!!
I was on Facebook and one of my friends posted the photo below. I was speechless.... Daddy immediately said, "That is you right now in your life." If any of you know me, I LOVE to swing or rock. When I was little, I told my mom when I grew up my house would be full of rocking chairs. And it is. This photo released an awe in me. The possibilities, the view, the grasp of what can be, the joy, peace, and fun, overwhelmed, breathtaking, the trusting, the dreaming, the bright horizon.... The girl is even bare footed!!
There is such a freakish peace in my life right now. In July of this year, Daddy gave me 3 prophetic words. Everything, and I mean everything, has come against those words. He told me to dream and imagine these words coming to pass. They are coming to pass! I was explaining to someone regarding these words and they expressed that I shouldn't worry or be concerned. I laughed. It is like this---remember when you were little and at Christmas time your family would go to each set of grandparents' houses for the holidays then you would come back to your home to open more gifts. You got to have THREE Christmases. That is how I feel. Each one of these prophesies coming to pass is like a Christmas at the grandparent's house. I am excited about going to the next grandparent's house and opening more presents. It is overwhelming, exciting, peaceful, full of laughter and joy, such refreshing and rest. I know (because He told me) all will be fulfilled. How much fun is that..... It is like swinging out over the territory of my promises. And look at ALL those promises!!!!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Fork in the road...
On my life journey, I have come to a fork in the road. Is it of my own choosing?! I believe it is because of my obedience. Now I am holding Daddy's hand tightly, looking into His eyes, and asking, "Daddy, which way do You want me to go?"
Someone spoke into my life the other day and said, "You may not pass all your tests in life but you can always learn the lessons from the circumstances for your future tests... Whichever way we walk, I know I will enjoy the ride!!!
Someone spoke into my life the other day and said, "You may not pass all your tests in life but you can always learn the lessons from the circumstances for your future tests... Whichever way we walk, I know I will enjoy the ride!!!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Tangible evidence....
I was driving today, talking with my Daddy. He spoke in my spirit, "What the enemy thinks is 'bad luck', I will astoundingly trump with blessings." I spoke back and said, "Daddy, that sounds great, but the last 24-hours have been horrible. May I have tangible evidence of what you are saying?" Immediately, He asked, "What is today's date?" The 13th. "What was your exam room number at the doctor's today?" It was 13. "How many years have you been completely healed of cancer?" Just went today for my 13th year of being cancer free. Then the radio announcer said, "The 13th song in this play list is Kenny Loggins 'I'm Alright."
I love how He gives us hope, humor, and tangible evidence.....
I love how He gives us hope, humor, and tangible evidence.....
Friday, September 9, 2011
What God cannot do......
Someone told me the other day, “there is nothing God can’t do”…. I grinned. I knew what they meant BUT....there are things God cannot do and I am so excited about them.
My God cannot be unholy so I can be holy. My God cannot break a promise or lie so everything Daddy has spoke to me will come to pass. My God cannot leave or forsake me. Man, friends, and family have left me but my Daddy will always be with me. My God cannot remember sins He has chosen to forget. Yeah, because in my lifetime I have screwed up a lot. My God cannot stop thinking about me and loving me; I am always on His mind. My God cannot stop being God; so since I am in Christ, I live a victorious life.
I have been in a battle. It has been an intense battle. My armor is not shiny, but bloody, dirty, full of dents. It has been an intense battle with no fair boundary lines. But what do you expect in spiritual warfare. I am blogging some of the encouragement I have heard in my intimate prayer time. I am hoping this will help someone who is also walking through hell.
Tension means something is happening. When there is tension on a shoddy foundation, something will happen. When there is tension pushing on a door that is stuck, something will eventually happen. Sometimes things have to fall apart for something better to fall together. If I am in Christ, then so are my circumstances. I should have rivers flowing through me, a refreshing not tiredness. But sometimes I need an encouraging word to say, "Keep going, it's all worth it..."
This is what I am hearing (now remember I am walking through 'crap' so I have to keep telling myself this....) If the situation is bad, difficult, and the enemy is strong, I must remember that Daddy must make him (the enemy) bow and demonstrate how much greater His power over the enemy is. All things are possible with Christ, so what do I have to do? Believe.... I must stop praying and pleading for Him to come. He is here, dwelling in me and I must only abide. Daddy is confident in who He is and what He can do. I do pray for Him to strip away from me all the capacity to be negative, a low self-esteem, tiredness, weariness, worry, anxiety, ineffectiveness, inferiority and to strengthen my identity in Christ. Like you can be in Christ and be ordinary... NOT!!! Warriors who endure will reap the plunder. I pray, "Daddy, please don't allow me to screw it up". Courage is not an emotional state but rather the choice we make to overcome our feelings so that we can obtain our desired outcome. My desired outcome is to walk intimacy with Daddy in all situations with answered prayers. No man fears to kneel before the God he trusts. Stand strong and stand in your place of authority. Be encouraged.....
Tension means something is happening. When there is tension on a shoddy foundation, something will happen. When there is tension pushing on a door that is stuck, something will eventually happen. Sometimes things have to fall apart for something better to fall together. If I am in Christ, then so are my circumstances. I should have rivers flowing through me, a refreshing not tiredness. But sometimes I need an encouraging word to say, "Keep going, it's all worth it..."
This is what I am hearing (now remember I am walking through 'crap' so I have to keep telling myself this....) If the situation is bad, difficult, and the enemy is strong, I must remember that Daddy must make him (the enemy) bow and demonstrate how much greater His power over the enemy is. All things are possible with Christ, so what do I have to do? Believe.... I must stop praying and pleading for Him to come. He is here, dwelling in me and I must only abide. Daddy is confident in who He is and what He can do. I do pray for Him to strip away from me all the capacity to be negative, a low self-esteem, tiredness, weariness, worry, anxiety, ineffectiveness, inferiority and to strengthen my identity in Christ. Like you can be in Christ and be ordinary... NOT!!! Warriors who endure will reap the plunder. I pray, "Daddy, please don't allow me to screw it up". Courage is not an emotional state but rather the choice we make to overcome our feelings so that we can obtain our desired outcome. My desired outcome is to walk intimacy with Daddy in all situations with answered prayers. No man fears to kneel before the God he trusts. Stand strong and stand in your place of authority. Be encouraged.....
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Twists and turns....
Life is interesting, full of twists and turns... Something happened in my family's lives this week, it made me think how most of the time we do not stop, breathe, and look beyond our own selves. It is usually all about 'me'. Why do people do certain things? Do we know their heart? Do we know if they just lost a loved-one? Had a car accident? Lost their job? Got served with divorce papers?
People make decisions everyday. Hard ones, the kind that took hours, days, or even months of tears, prayers, and seeking answers. When they act on these decisions, we have no right judging, slandering, or criticizing what they feel Daddy has told them to do. The world is so full of anger and selfishness. We as the body of Christ are to be so full of LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS, AND SELF-CONTROL....
Gentleness and kindness are two extremely powerful words. If we would just walk in gentleness and kindness how different would our world be. Imagine, just sitting with someone when they tell you about a hard decision they have to make. You reach out and embrace them, bless them, and comfort them. The world screams at them that they are wrong, made a decision to hurt someone, criticizes them because of selfishness, belittles them, when all along they have been listening in prayer and know this is the best decision for their family. No meanness, no vindictiveness, no malice, just a life change to lead their family in Daddy's Will. Seriously, are we really that immature?!
Next time someone make a decision, stop and look at it from their stand point. Ask Daddy to give you their viewpoint before you jump to conclusions. Encourage one another through life.....
People make decisions everyday. Hard ones, the kind that took hours, days, or even months of tears, prayers, and seeking answers. When they act on these decisions, we have no right judging, slandering, or criticizing what they feel Daddy has told them to do. The world is so full of anger and selfishness. We as the body of Christ are to be so full of LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS, AND SELF-CONTROL....
Gentleness and kindness are two extremely powerful words. If we would just walk in gentleness and kindness how different would our world be. Imagine, just sitting with someone when they tell you about a hard decision they have to make. You reach out and embrace them, bless them, and comfort them. The world screams at them that they are wrong, made a decision to hurt someone, criticizes them because of selfishness, belittles them, when all along they have been listening in prayer and know this is the best decision for their family. No meanness, no vindictiveness, no malice, just a life change to lead their family in Daddy's Will. Seriously, are we really that immature?!
Next time someone make a decision, stop and look at it from their stand point. Ask Daddy to give you their viewpoint before you jump to conclusions. Encourage one another through life.....
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
My son is pursuing his dream of being a firefighter. He turned 16 this year and researched everything he needed to do to become a junior volunteer firefighter. He has accomplished it. I am so proud of him. A few days ago, a close friend posted this on my Facebook....
"A firefighter is being yelled at for taking too long to get there, while trying desperately to save the life of a total stranger, holding his bladder because he didn't have time to pee when the alarm sounded, starving because he missed one of his three meals, tired because the alarm sounded just as he closed his eyes and it is now 4 in the morning and missing his family while taking care of yours. Thank a firefighter."
It gives a whole new meaning to what adventures he is walking into. He has determination, strong will, and compassion for the job that will allow him to completely fulfill his dream. He has another unfair advantage. He knows Jesus. He is doing great exploits for his Lord and Savior. When he steps foot into the station, he brings the Presence of the Almighty. When he arrives on a scene, he brings the Power to raise the dead and heal the sick. When comforts a citizen, he brings hope of eternal love and life. He has the opportunity to rescue and save lives in the physical and spiritual realm. I am truly proud and blessed to have a wonderful son!!
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Young volunteers learning to save lives.... |
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Engine 22 |
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Went to a day camp to 'cool' off the children...how fun! |
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
A Right Turn.....
I went to the School of the Prophetic last week. What an amazing time.... I had someone give me a prophetic word and I wanted to post it.
"You are now taking a right turn..." Yeah, that means so much. I know in the days to come, there will be many posts referring to my right turn. I love Daddy's way of talking to me. This is going to be fun, exhilarating, and radical.
"You are now taking a right turn..." Yeah, that means so much. I know in the days to come, there will be many posts referring to my right turn. I love Daddy's way of talking to me. This is going to be fun, exhilarating, and radical.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Just Meowing....
Do you remember the Purina Meowmix cat commercial? It is the one where the cat says meow a hundred times and the caption interrupts it for you. Well, every night I hear that in my house. So I did what every savvy person would do, I Googled! It is very interesting what I found. This behavior can be caused by many factors: needs water/food, needs a clean liter box, is in estrus, stress or anxiety. Hhhmmm, my cat didn't fit into any of these. So on to the next article (diligence). This article says my cat may be feeling insecurity, has cognitive dysfunction syndrome, or physical distress. Then I read it.... "A cat may go looking for a housemate that is no longer there and call to them, trying to locate them. It was how they use to locate each other." That was it!
About two and half months ago, my first cat passed away. She was a seal point, Himalayan, who was very old. She was sick when she died. It was a hard, sad time for me. My daughter has the same breed cat as I did. He grew up with Madison and they played all the time. About three weeks after she died, Rally started night meowing. This meowing is loud and multiple times during the night. It will wake you from a sound sleep.
I starting thinking....how many of us go through our regular routines and never notice, until sometimes it is too late, someone is missing. One of our friends, brother/sister in Christ has left the local body, our neighbor, co-worker is gone from our every day life and we didn't realize until NOW. Or have we realized? I had a phone call from someone the other day and they explained how they didn't feel 'connected, wanted, noticed'. Wow, was I so busy that I neglected the people around me? What am I here on earth for, to show the love of Jesus. Am I doing that job? What is SO important that I cannot take a moment to love on someone, show a smile, reach out and touch another human being? So it took Rally to show me to stop, look around, and see who is MIA. I need to locate them again and tell them how precious they are to Jesus and to me. Proverbs 17:17 states a friend loves at ALL times!
About two and half months ago, my first cat passed away. She was a seal point, Himalayan, who was very old. She was sick when she died. It was a hard, sad time for me. My daughter has the same breed cat as I did. He grew up with Madison and they played all the time. About three weeks after she died, Rally started night meowing. This meowing is loud and multiple times during the night. It will wake you from a sound sleep.
I starting thinking....how many of us go through our regular routines and never notice, until sometimes it is too late, someone is missing. One of our friends, brother/sister in Christ has left the local body, our neighbor, co-worker is gone from our every day life and we didn't realize until NOW. Or have we realized? I had a phone call from someone the other day and they explained how they didn't feel 'connected, wanted, noticed'. Wow, was I so busy that I neglected the people around me? What am I here on earth for, to show the love of Jesus. Am I doing that job? What is SO important that I cannot take a moment to love on someone, show a smile, reach out and touch another human being? So it took Rally to show me to stop, look around, and see who is MIA. I need to locate them again and tell them how precious they are to Jesus and to me. Proverbs 17:17 states a friend loves at ALL times!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Well-Behaved Women....
I was in someone's office the other day and read a plaque. "Well-Behaved Women never make history..." Hhhmmm, I started rolling that around in my head. I asked Daddy, "Is that true?" Names started coming to mind. Were these 'good girls' according to society? Were these 'ladies who sat quietly, sipping tea and eating crumpets'? Were they 'approved of' or of the 'popular opinion'? Here are just a few that pop into my mind.
Rahab: Wow, talk about breaking all society's rules. She was a prostitute, pagan, single, used, abused woman. Others looked at her as a money maker, trash, no potential. She wasn't the kind of girl you brought home to mama. She left everything behind to join the Israelites at Jericho.
Tamar: Pushed from one husband to another, rejection, hurt, only wanting to be loved, wanted justice and the right thing to be done. Resorting to deception to fulfill her purpose. Finally, Judah honors her as a daughter for the rest of her life.
Ruth: A Moabite! A widow! No children! and then to leave her homeland to go to a place she knew she would not be embraced by. With the knowledge that she would have to work for the rest of her life, she had unbelievable honor, respect, and loyalty to a mother-in-law.
Mary: She was rebuked by the disciples, shunned, and told she wasted her inheritance as she poured out her precious oil on Jesus' feet. Her name rings through the generations. Her act, love, desperation can still be heard today.
I have never been a 'well-behaved woman'. But I have to ask myself, "Am I a living declaration of what Daddy has done in my life. Am I living up to my full potential?'
Remember, Rahab, Tamar, and Ruth are in the lineage of Christ. So what is history going to say about you......
Rahab: Wow, talk about breaking all society's rules. She was a prostitute, pagan, single, used, abused woman. Others looked at her as a money maker, trash, no potential. She wasn't the kind of girl you brought home to mama. She left everything behind to join the Israelites at Jericho.
Tamar: Pushed from one husband to another, rejection, hurt, only wanting to be loved, wanted justice and the right thing to be done. Resorting to deception to fulfill her purpose. Finally, Judah honors her as a daughter for the rest of her life.
Ruth: A Moabite! A widow! No children! and then to leave her homeland to go to a place she knew she would not be embraced by. With the knowledge that she would have to work for the rest of her life, she had unbelievable honor, respect, and loyalty to a mother-in-law.
Mary: She was rebuked by the disciples, shunned, and told she wasted her inheritance as she poured out her precious oil on Jesus' feet. Her name rings through the generations. Her act, love, desperation can still be heard today.
I have never been a 'well-behaved woman'. But I have to ask myself, "Am I a living declaration of what Daddy has done in my life. Am I living up to my full potential?'
Remember, Rahab, Tamar, and Ruth are in the lineage of Christ. So what is history going to say about you......
Monday, June 20, 2011
Do I fit in.....
A close friend of mine sent me a link to a blog. In reading it, of course, my mind began to whirl. What kind of church body do I attend? What kind of church do I represent? How open am I? Do I 'fit in' or make others feel 'unwanted'?
I understand there needs to be protocol, set boundaries, and guidelines when leading a group of people. But do we solely base our 'Christianity' on these man-made rules? The below link really touched my heart. http://www.digtriad.com/news/article/178958/1/NC-Boy-With-Cerebral-Palsy-Asked-To-Leave-Easter-Service
What if this woman came to my local body of worship. Would I welcome her, or just sit quietly and hope the ushers greeted her? Am I too comfortable in my comfort zone? What about outside of the church walls? What if I met this person in Wal-Mart, would I smile, give a kind word, pray for her, or snub my nose, turn away for lack of something to say, be too busy to give her any mind (because I'm in a rush and it's all about me!) I have literally prayed that if I have ever made someone feel left out, not part of the group, or below me, "Daddy, please forgive me!" I am to be an ambassador for Christ. I am to share LOVE, peace, compassion with others.
The woman at the well is an example of how we are to engage others. In John 4, Jesus had a deep conversation with this woman. She, at first, could not believe this 'man' would talk with her, let alone ask for her to draw water for Him. How soft spoken He must have been, tender in His responses. His Words so full of life drawing her ever so close to the Daddy's heart. The compassion for all her hurts, pains, and rejection. When playing the scene out in my head, I wonder what do you think she was wearing? How do you think she was acting, at the beginning of the conversation? Remember, she had been married 5 times and the guy she was living with was not her hubby. Do you think she had a few scars? Do you think she had a good self image? What if because of how she was dressed, how she responded, or even the scars of being passed from husband to husband, Jesus was 'too busy', 'put off by her' or 'snubbed her because she didn't measure up to what was deemed protocol'? That is not Daddy's heart. The Word states in verse 42, "They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.”"
It's kinda funny, I have tons of stories on how I totally embarrassed my parents in church. I was about three or four and we were having revival. (we always sat in the second or third row at church) We had a guest evangelist come in and he called for a 'healing line'. This very dignified older lady was in the line. The evangelist put his hand on her head and kinda slid his hand back in her hair. Holy Spirit fell on this woman and she started dancing. And dancing she did, right out from under her wig!! Well of course, I HAD to say something!! "Mommy, look at that lady with no hair! Why is she dancing with no hair?! That's funny!" Then in one swoop, up I went and off to the 'famous' restroom for one of 'those' talks. What if my parents were asked to not come back, were not accepted, or made to feel 'unaccepted'? Where would I be? I grew up in church, have deep roots in Christianity, and have allowed Daddy to change me from the inside out. I want to be in the middle of what Jesus is doing in the world today. I want to encounter Him with such a compassionate, hungry heart so I can be an encounter to others who need an encounter with Him.
I understand there needs to be protocol, set boundaries, and guidelines when leading a group of people. But do we solely base our 'Christianity' on these man-made rules? The below link really touched my heart. http://www.digtriad.com/news/article/178958/1/NC-Boy-With-Cerebral-Palsy-Asked-To-Leave-Easter-Service
What if this woman came to my local body of worship. Would I welcome her, or just sit quietly and hope the ushers greeted her? Am I too comfortable in my comfort zone? What about outside of the church walls? What if I met this person in Wal-Mart, would I smile, give a kind word, pray for her, or snub my nose, turn away for lack of something to say, be too busy to give her any mind (because I'm in a rush and it's all about me!) I have literally prayed that if I have ever made someone feel left out, not part of the group, or below me, "Daddy, please forgive me!" I am to be an ambassador for Christ. I am to share LOVE, peace, compassion with others.
The woman at the well is an example of how we are to engage others. In John 4, Jesus had a deep conversation with this woman. She, at first, could not believe this 'man' would talk with her, let alone ask for her to draw water for Him. How soft spoken He must have been, tender in His responses. His Words so full of life drawing her ever so close to the Daddy's heart. The compassion for all her hurts, pains, and rejection. When playing the scene out in my head, I wonder what do you think she was wearing? How do you think she was acting, at the beginning of the conversation? Remember, she had been married 5 times and the guy she was living with was not her hubby. Do you think she had a few scars? Do you think she had a good self image? What if because of how she was dressed, how she responded, or even the scars of being passed from husband to husband, Jesus was 'too busy', 'put off by her' or 'snubbed her because she didn't measure up to what was deemed protocol'? That is not Daddy's heart. The Word states in verse 42, "They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.”"
It's kinda funny, I have tons of stories on how I totally embarrassed my parents in church. I was about three or four and we were having revival. (we always sat in the second or third row at church) We had a guest evangelist come in and he called for a 'healing line'. This very dignified older lady was in the line. The evangelist put his hand on her head and kinda slid his hand back in her hair. Holy Spirit fell on this woman and she started dancing. And dancing she did, right out from under her wig!! Well of course, I HAD to say something!! "Mommy, look at that lady with no hair! Why is she dancing with no hair?! That's funny!" Then in one swoop, up I went and off to the 'famous' restroom for one of 'those' talks. What if my parents were asked to not come back, were not accepted, or made to feel 'unaccepted'? Where would I be? I grew up in church, have deep roots in Christianity, and have allowed Daddy to change me from the inside out. I want to be in the middle of what Jesus is doing in the world today. I want to encounter Him with such a compassionate, hungry heart so I can be an encounter to others who need an encounter with Him.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Ordinary me....
It blows my mind sometimes how God will use ordinary me. I went to a ballet recital. I was just sitting there enjoying the 'cherubs' whisking across the floor. I glanced to the side and there was a woman. She was very young, mid-forties, like me... On her left arm was a beautiful tattoo. It was three butterflies on a barbed wired. The center one was the largest with a cross as the center of the butterfly's body. On either side were two smaller ones. I felt Holy Spirit's Presence. I asked Him what it meant.
After the recital, I approached the young lady. I asked her if I could speak to her regarding her tattoo and what I believe Daddy sees in it. She was apprehensive at first, but said, "I would like to hear what you have to say." I began. It was on her left side and I expressed that side is what you are born into. For generations the enemy has tried to stop her family from fulfilling the promises of God. The butterflies represent life and bursting through into the call of God on her family. It is a tribal band, which also indicates family. The three butterflies are like a three stranded cord, and a cord of three strands is not easily broken. She has walked through some hard times, but because of her endurance she is bursting forth for generations to come. Love and life are the essence of the tattoo.
Tears began to fill her eyes. She said she designed the tattoo. The barbed wire was a representation of the difficult times she had walked through. The largest butterfly had a cross to represent her salvation. The two smaller ones were a representation of her two daughters. She hugged me and said thank you. Her tattoo took on a greater meaning that evening.
Why? Because Daddy spoke to me about His daughter and I shared. Daddy loves to love on His children, but we must be willing to step out on faith. He wants to flow through ordinary people to touch in an extraordinary way. If He can flow through ordinary me, just think what he can do flowing through you....
After the recital, I approached the young lady. I asked her if I could speak to her regarding her tattoo and what I believe Daddy sees in it. She was apprehensive at first, but said, "I would like to hear what you have to say." I began. It was on her left side and I expressed that side is what you are born into. For generations the enemy has tried to stop her family from fulfilling the promises of God. The butterflies represent life and bursting through into the call of God on her family. It is a tribal band, which also indicates family. The three butterflies are like a three stranded cord, and a cord of three strands is not easily broken. She has walked through some hard times, but because of her endurance she is bursting forth for generations to come. Love and life are the essence of the tattoo.
Tears began to fill her eyes. She said she designed the tattoo. The barbed wire was a representation of the difficult times she had walked through. The largest butterfly had a cross to represent her salvation. The two smaller ones were a representation of her two daughters. She hugged me and said thank you. Her tattoo took on a greater meaning that evening.
Why? Because Daddy spoke to me about His daughter and I shared. Daddy loves to love on His children, but we must be willing to step out on faith. He wants to flow through ordinary people to touch in an extraordinary way. If He can flow through ordinary me, just think what he can do flowing through you....
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Until we are one.....
Few days ago I asked Daddy for a new blog subject. He is my inspiration. So I was not surprised while sitting in a movie theater slurping my ICEE a down load began....
YES, I went to the opening day of X-Men First Class. What an awesome movie! And of course, I saw so much spiritual in it. I will 'try' not to spoil the movie for those who have not yet seen it. There is a part where Charles Xavier is talking to Raven in the kitchen. He tells her that he doesn't understand her behavior or what she is thinking. She quickly responds to him about a promise he made never to read her thoughts. He reassures her this has never occurred. Holy Spirit began to speak to me regarding this scene. Holy Spirit chooses not to know everything about us. There is no control, only free will, free choice. When we come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ, the intimate relationship begins. We explore each other together until we become one. We explore the love, gentleness, goodness, kindness, patience, joy, peace, self-control.... Many times I have said, "But Daddy you know what I am thinking or what I would do". He graciously honors me being a gentleman and waiting for me to open myself up to Him. We build a relationship together based on trust, love, and loyalty. King Jesus has paid the price for our righteousness. He is a gentleman, honoring my next step towards Him. Holy Spirit will guide me like on a dance floor. Gracefully, through my life as partners, never missing a beat.
We have all power through Holy Spirit to live 'supernatural' lives. What do we do with it? Heal the sick? Cleanse the lepers? Cast out demons? Raise the dead? I was singing this weekend about opening the flood gates of heaven. Holy Spirit brought the scripture about out of me should flow living waters. I got an incredible picture of flood gates opening up and that being release out of me to flood wherever I am. I am a new creature, like the mutants who live among the sin fallen world.
Just as the X-Men had to learn who they really were and how to work with others, we as a body need to know who we are in Christ and how to pray, work, play, outreach, disciple with others to advance the Kingdom.
YES, I went to the opening day of X-Men First Class. What an awesome movie! And of course, I saw so much spiritual in it. I will 'try' not to spoil the movie for those who have not yet seen it. There is a part where Charles Xavier is talking to Raven in the kitchen. He tells her that he doesn't understand her behavior or what she is thinking. She quickly responds to him about a promise he made never to read her thoughts. He reassures her this has never occurred. Holy Spirit began to speak to me regarding this scene. Holy Spirit chooses not to know everything about us. There is no control, only free will, free choice. When we come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ, the intimate relationship begins. We explore each other together until we become one. We explore the love, gentleness, goodness, kindness, patience, joy, peace, self-control.... Many times I have said, "But Daddy you know what I am thinking or what I would do". He graciously honors me being a gentleman and waiting for me to open myself up to Him. We build a relationship together based on trust, love, and loyalty. King Jesus has paid the price for our righteousness. He is a gentleman, honoring my next step towards Him. Holy Spirit will guide me like on a dance floor. Gracefully, through my life as partners, never missing a beat.
We have all power through Holy Spirit to live 'supernatural' lives. What do we do with it? Heal the sick? Cleanse the lepers? Cast out demons? Raise the dead? I was singing this weekend about opening the flood gates of heaven. Holy Spirit brought the scripture about out of me should flow living waters. I got an incredible picture of flood gates opening up and that being release out of me to flood wherever I am. I am a new creature, like the mutants who live among the sin fallen world.
Just as the X-Men had to learn who they really were and how to work with others, we as a body need to know who we are in Christ and how to pray, work, play, outreach, disciple with others to advance the Kingdom.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Chosen to be faithful.....
Ps. 119:30 "I have chosen to be faithful." I read this scripture this morning and thoughts began to fly. Am I faithful and what am I faithful to? Who am I faithful to? Is there a difference between faithful and loyalty?
Faithfulness is a characteristic that is in high demand. King David used the wording "have chosen", which means there is a choice. I chose to be faithful. I chose to be faithful in raising my children. I have purposed to be an honorable mother with strong morales and values that are instilled daily in my children. I chose to be faithful to my job, working with excellence, striving to do the best quality work possible. I chose to be faithful to my friends, not gossiping, back biting, or slandering them with my words, thoughts, or deeds but to be up lifting, exhorting, and encouraging, there with a hand extended and a shoulder to cry on. I chose to be faithful to my church, supporting with my money, time, and energy. I chose to be faithful to my health, striving to live longer and healthier to see my children's children's children's children's. (Yes, my great, great grandchildren) I chose to be faithful to my addictions. Yes I have addictions...Pepsi, Moravian Falls, Camaros, Pink Ladies Apples, NCIS......
I chose to be faithful to Jesus Christ. This is a daily choice. This is something that has to be walked out and purposeful. I have to look at each decision, word, thought, deed and listen to what Daddy would have for me. This is where trust and loyalty comes in. I can be totally faithful to something but not be loyal. I can also be totally loyal to something but not be faithful. These three words are all intertwined together. What is even more incredible is Daddy choose to be faithful to ME!!! He purposes to love, protect, give peace, joy, grace and mercy to me on a moment by moment basis. His faithfulness goes beyond my imagination. Since the beginning of time, He chose me. How do I know? John 15:16 says, " You did not choose me. I chose you." Wow, what a promise to stand on. I have been chosen.
Faithfulness is a characteristic that is in high demand. King David used the wording "have chosen", which means there is a choice. I chose to be faithful. I chose to be faithful in raising my children. I have purposed to be an honorable mother with strong morales and values that are instilled daily in my children. I chose to be faithful to my job, working with excellence, striving to do the best quality work possible. I chose to be faithful to my friends, not gossiping, back biting, or slandering them with my words, thoughts, or deeds but to be up lifting, exhorting, and encouraging, there with a hand extended and a shoulder to cry on. I chose to be faithful to my church, supporting with my money, time, and energy. I chose to be faithful to my health, striving to live longer and healthier to see my children's children's children's children's. (Yes, my great, great grandchildren) I chose to be faithful to my addictions. Yes I have addictions...Pepsi, Moravian Falls, Camaros, Pink Ladies Apples, NCIS......
I chose to be faithful to Jesus Christ. This is a daily choice. This is something that has to be walked out and purposeful. I have to look at each decision, word, thought, deed and listen to what Daddy would have for me. This is where trust and loyalty comes in. I can be totally faithful to something but not be loyal. I can also be totally loyal to something but not be faithful. These three words are all intertwined together. What is even more incredible is Daddy choose to be faithful to ME!!! He purposes to love, protect, give peace, joy, grace and mercy to me on a moment by moment basis. His faithfulness goes beyond my imagination. Since the beginning of time, He chose me. How do I know? John 15:16 says, " You did not choose me. I chose you." Wow, what a promise to stand on. I have been chosen.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
The Rapture....
Ok, so the rapture did not take place yesterday. As I am sitting here pondering what must be going through people's minds, my heart started breaking. I read an article Friday about a family of five. The mom and dad are completely sold out that the rapture was going to take place on Saturday. Their twin 16 year old daughters were not. They were told by their parents they would not go to heaven. Their 14 year old son wanted to go to a party Saturday evening and was told 'he wouldn't be here'. Now what.......
My prayers are for these families to find hope, restoration, reconciliation, and life in Jesus Christ. This one particular family needs healing, not jokes or quips spoken about how 'they missed it'. I am praying for love, mercy, grace, healing, and trust to be restored. If this is only one example, what about all the rest. We must reach out to the lost, hurting, and lonely. We must let them know how precious and valuable they are to Daddy. As you go through your day and week, please pray for these people. Hope must be restored.
My prayers are for these families to find hope, restoration, reconciliation, and life in Jesus Christ. This one particular family needs healing, not jokes or quips spoken about how 'they missed it'. I am praying for love, mercy, grace, healing, and trust to be restored. If this is only one example, what about all the rest. We must reach out to the lost, hurting, and lonely. We must let them know how precious and valuable they are to Daddy. As you go through your day and week, please pray for these people. Hope must be restored.
Where you are planted....
I have heard many times in my Christian walk, bloom where you are planted, put down roots where are you planted, God plants you where He wants you....
We took a family vacation. We had arrived in Charleston, SC and we're eating at a Crackle Barrel (family favorite). We were looking through brochures on 'what to do'. Our waitress asked if we were from out of town. She then said, "I can give you a list of places to go and see that are not in those brochures." We were intrigued. So the adventure began....
It is our responsibility to hunger, thirst, and grow where Daddy has planted us...
The Angel Oak is a Live Oak. It is estimated to be between 350-400 years old. It is 85 feet in height, 25.5 feet in circumference, 17,000 sq. feet in area shade and the largest limb is 11.25 feet in circumference and 89 feet in length.
Oaks are a symbol of strength and endurance. They are very resistant to insect and fungal attack because of their high tannin content. Holy Spirit began showing me the spiritual implications. We are strong and endure through the power of Holy Spirit. We can resist the enemy, attacks, and fiery darts because of the Blood of Jesus that runs through us. As our journey continued more revelation was given. We visited a plantation. There were freshly planted peach trees. Our guide said it takes at least 3 years before they bear fruit. His job is to nurture, feed, and protect the saplings so they will be come fruitful. Hhhmmm...it doesn't take a rocket scientist to relate that to a spiritual walk. People we lead to Christ need nurturing, to be fed, and protected so they can bear fruit also.
We came to the main driveway and the guide began to explain the Live Oaks planted there. They were planted in 1764. They locked their roots together for stability and strength. Not a single tree has been lost to a hurricane. There are 90 of them. The only one that was lost was struck by lightning.
Holy Spirit began saying, "They may be called Oaks of righteousness, interlocking their arms with one another. If one stumbles, the other one holds them up. There is no cutting, stabbing, back biting, or gossip that would bring them down. They provide covering, safety, love, and shade to all who will. It is a prophetic picture of who you are to be." I began to cry. Daddy, help me fulfill this.
Isaiah 61:3...to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called Oaks of Righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified...
We took a family vacation. We had arrived in Charleston, SC and we're eating at a Crackle Barrel (family favorite). We were looking through brochures on 'what to do'. Our waitress asked if we were from out of town. She then said, "I can give you a list of places to go and see that are not in those brochures." We were intrigued. So the adventure began....
We are all seeds planted in the rich soil... |
This grew from one acorn... |
Who are you touching where you have been planted.... |
We came to the main driveway and the guide began to explain the Live Oaks planted there. They were planted in 1764. They locked their roots together for stability and strength. Not a single tree has been lost to a hurricane. There are 90 of them. The only one that was lost was struck by lightning.
Isaiah 61:3...to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called Oaks of Righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified...
Saturday, May 21, 2011
The Dark Side....
When I begin writing a blog, it is totally something that Holy Spirit has been stirring in me. This one is not only controversial but personal. The Dark Side, no I am not talking about Star Wars, but then again it is a war that is raging in some of us. I grew up in a Christian home. Both of my parents have stepped into eternity. There were things that were NEVER discussed in my home. Looking back, I wish they were....
The Dark Side is one of those things. The Dark Side is Depression! I already hear the voices....but you said you were a Christian and so were your parents. Christians are to be delivered, healed, set free. Depression is of satan. Just snap out of it. Put on the mind of Christ. I don't believe Christians suffer because they are 'healed'. Christians should not take anti-depressants.... And so the journey begins.
Daddy has really been dealing with me regarding this topic. See, my mother was depressed. It was hid in my house. So then how do I know? When my father was coming to the end of his earthly journey, I went to visit him. He showed me a box of letters and cards my mom had kept through the years. You know the ones kids hand write for Mother's Day, or a picture of stick people and say "That's my family." Going through this box, I cried. Grieving over the missing of my mom. Then I found notes she had written. Notes to God. Notes crying out about things she couldn't explain. Darkness, emptiness, pain, loneliness, sadness....depression. I don't know if my dad even knew the depth of the darkness. She suffered alone.
In my life I have dealt with depression. I have been on anti-depressants. I have hid my medical condition from other 'Christians' as to not have to take their judgement. My world would become extremely dark. I was saved, sanctified, and filled with Holy Spirit ALL the way through it (and still am). I prayed and had others pray for me. I was told by doctors that I had a chemical imbalance due to chemotherapy. I would go up for every alter call, cry out to God for healing, and condemn myself for still taking meds. I was wrong. I walked through depression, the valley of death, but God was always with me. When I came through the valley, I was healed. It was a battle.
We are triune creatures. When one part of the triune is hurt, injured, dealing with something, the other parts are effected, positive and negative. If you cut your leg severely, you don't go around saying, "I'm healed", and never get medical attention. YES, Jesus heals. But He also gave us common sense to get help when we are sick (The Samaritan need assistance...) Depression is cause from an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. Depression is ALSO caused by the enemy. Don't get me wrong. We do deliverance and healing on Spiritual Encounters for depression. Jesus heals!
What I am talking about is the taboo, secrecy, not sharing, hidden depression that many walk through. They don't want to be labeled, or they don't want to be condemned. So they suffer in private. For many years I kept my battle quiet. One day Daddy told me to share it with my daughter. So I did (It was hard). Then I realized in sharing, one of my friends were showing those exact signs. She was covering up what was happening in her life. She was suffering alone. She is in the body of Christ, was crying out to Daddy, yet was humiliated to share with her "Christian" friends about her nightmare world she was walking through. Approximately 30-40 million Americans suffer with some form of depression. The word 'depression' is not in the Strong Concordance, although there are description of people who suffered depression in the Word of God. (Abraham, Jonah, Job, Elijah, King Saul, Jeremiah, David. Ps. 38:6, 8 I am utterly bowed down and prostrate; all the day I go about mourning. I am feeble and crushed; I groan because of the tumult of my heart. {I looked up tumult: highly distressing agitation of mind or feeling; turbulent mental or emotional disturbance}) We are to walk by faith not by sight (nor feelings). Sometimes this is extremely difficult. We need brothers and sisters who understand and will lovingly help us walk through it.
Am I recommending medicine? Yes and no. Daddy has given us wisdom in the medical field. There are medicines that will help. This is where wisdom comes in. There are other ways to help. Eating right, exercise, not being alone, music (big one, remember King Saul), rest, soaking... James 1:2 tells us to consider it all joy when we fall into various trials. Not to feel joyful, put on an act, but to trust what Daddy says rather than feelings. Feelings are neither good or bad; it is what we do with them that determines our paths. We must find the root of the issue: sin, physical, abuse, chemical, stress, postpartum, trauma...
My hope for others and my family is Gal. 2:20. I want to walk it out with others, not let them suffer alone. "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."
The Dark Side is one of those things. The Dark Side is Depression! I already hear the voices....but you said you were a Christian and so were your parents. Christians are to be delivered, healed, set free. Depression is of satan. Just snap out of it. Put on the mind of Christ. I don't believe Christians suffer because they are 'healed'. Christians should not take anti-depressants.... And so the journey begins.
Daddy has really been dealing with me regarding this topic. See, my mother was depressed. It was hid in my house. So then how do I know? When my father was coming to the end of his earthly journey, I went to visit him. He showed me a box of letters and cards my mom had kept through the years. You know the ones kids hand write for Mother's Day, or a picture of stick people and say "That's my family." Going through this box, I cried. Grieving over the missing of my mom. Then I found notes she had written. Notes to God. Notes crying out about things she couldn't explain. Darkness, emptiness, pain, loneliness, sadness....depression. I don't know if my dad even knew the depth of the darkness. She suffered alone.
In my life I have dealt with depression. I have been on anti-depressants. I have hid my medical condition from other 'Christians' as to not have to take their judgement. My world would become extremely dark. I was saved, sanctified, and filled with Holy Spirit ALL the way through it (and still am). I prayed and had others pray for me. I was told by doctors that I had a chemical imbalance due to chemotherapy. I would go up for every alter call, cry out to God for healing, and condemn myself for still taking meds. I was wrong. I walked through depression, the valley of death, but God was always with me. When I came through the valley, I was healed. It was a battle.
We are triune creatures. When one part of the triune is hurt, injured, dealing with something, the other parts are effected, positive and negative. If you cut your leg severely, you don't go around saying, "I'm healed", and never get medical attention. YES, Jesus heals. But He also gave us common sense to get help when we are sick (The Samaritan need assistance...) Depression is cause from an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. Depression is ALSO caused by the enemy. Don't get me wrong. We do deliverance and healing on Spiritual Encounters for depression. Jesus heals!
What I am talking about is the taboo, secrecy, not sharing, hidden depression that many walk through. They don't want to be labeled, or they don't want to be condemned. So they suffer in private. For many years I kept my battle quiet. One day Daddy told me to share it with my daughter. So I did (It was hard). Then I realized in sharing, one of my friends were showing those exact signs. She was covering up what was happening in her life. She was suffering alone. She is in the body of Christ, was crying out to Daddy, yet was humiliated to share with her "Christian" friends about her nightmare world she was walking through. Approximately 30-40 million Americans suffer with some form of depression. The word 'depression' is not in the Strong Concordance, although there are description of people who suffered depression in the Word of God. (Abraham, Jonah, Job, Elijah, King Saul, Jeremiah, David. Ps. 38:6, 8 I am utterly bowed down and prostrate; all the day I go about mourning. I am feeble and crushed; I groan because of the tumult of my heart. {I looked up tumult: highly distressing agitation of mind or feeling; turbulent mental or emotional disturbance}) We are to walk by faith not by sight (nor feelings). Sometimes this is extremely difficult. We need brothers and sisters who understand and will lovingly help us walk through it.
Am I recommending medicine? Yes and no. Daddy has given us wisdom in the medical field. There are medicines that will help. This is where wisdom comes in. There are other ways to help. Eating right, exercise, not being alone, music (big one, remember King Saul), rest, soaking... James 1:2 tells us to consider it all joy when we fall into various trials. Not to feel joyful, put on an act, but to trust what Daddy says rather than feelings. Feelings are neither good or bad; it is what we do with them that determines our paths. We must find the root of the issue: sin, physical, abuse, chemical, stress, postpartum, trauma...
My hope for others and my family is Gal. 2:20. I want to walk it out with others, not let them suffer alone. "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Fill up my spaces....
I heard someone's conversation yesterday. Something they were saying made me ponder my life, my space... "Memories are what we make. We need to fill the space we live in with them. The longer we live in a space, the fuller we should have meaningful memories." Wow. Is the space of my life full of meaningful memories? Or are they mundane? What about my family? What memories do they have that impact their lives?
What if I purposed everyday to make lasting memories that were full of laughter, meaning, tears, touches, bonding, patience... I love my job. There are days that I fall into the 'same ole routine'. But there are days when something happens and laughter burst forth. And for the rest of the day, there are little snickers, giggles, and grins. Those are the memories I want to fill up my spaces.
I love my family. There have been times where there are those 'heart to heart' talks. Tears are shed, hugs are received, pain is shared. But in those moments of prayer and holding one another, memories are filling up my spaces.
Wherever I go, whether it's grocery shopping or moving to a new home, I want to fill the spaces to capacity with meaningful memories. Life is too short not to.....
What if I purposed everyday to make lasting memories that were full of laughter, meaning, tears, touches, bonding, patience... I love my job. There are days that I fall into the 'same ole routine'. But there are days when something happens and laughter burst forth. And for the rest of the day, there are little snickers, giggles, and grins. Those are the memories I want to fill up my spaces.
I love my family. There have been times where there are those 'heart to heart' talks. Tears are shed, hugs are received, pain is shared. But in those moments of prayer and holding one another, memories are filling up my spaces.
Wherever I go, whether it's grocery shopping or moving to a new home, I want to fill the spaces to capacity with meaningful memories. Life is too short not to.....
Saturday, April 30, 2011
I love movies. I always have. I can watch a movie over and over and over. Many times God speaks to me through movies. Some of my favorites are: While You Were Sleeping, Princess Bride, King Arthur, Robin Hood (Russell Crowe). Some great lines are in these movies. From King Arthur, "No man fears to kneel before the God he trusts." O how sweet that is.
I grew up in "religion". You know, can't dance, can't wear make-up, can't go roller skating because of the satan music they play.... One day I asked my mom what I "could" do. She was speechless. Through my walk I have discovered an intimate relationship with "God". He is my Heavenly Abba, my Daddy. That may offend some, but the closeness has given me the privilege to know Him that way. Another one of my favorites is NCIS. There is a scene in season 8 where Ziva David is looking for her father. She goes to the synagogue where he is hiding out and she starts at the back of the building crying out his name. Abba, Abba, Abba..... As I watched, I heard that soft Voice say, "That is what I want My children to do. Walk into a situation, a place, enemy's territory and cry out My Name, Abba, Daddy, Father, and I will rush in." There is no fear to humble myself before Daddy who I trust. I trust Him with my life, my family, my finances, my future. He knows my pain, my joys, my tears, and my laughter.
In Robin Hood, "Rise and rise again until lambs become lions" is echoed. It is said to mean 'never give up'. In my life I have had to rise and rise again, never giving up. I lived in a household where depression was hid. I married into a family that did not accept me. I lost a child. I battled and AM completely healed of two cancers, I have been told 3 times I will die (ha). I have lost a marriage, I have walked though a horrible divorce. I have fought for my children's rights and protection. I have been accused of horrible things. I have been lied to, stabbed in the back, deceived, used, abused....BUT I rise and rise again. See, even the Word of God says a righteous man falls seven times, but he gets up again (Proverbs 24:16). We must rise and rise again. We must become lions for our generation and the generations to come.
I was texting with a family member and sharing stories of my aunt (his grandmother). In sharing life stories we encourage others by examples of warriors rising up. She had to rise and rise again to fight for her children's children's children. She is her grandson's rock, demonstration of faith here on earth, instructions on how to live life and live it boldly. Rise and rise again is for the humble, faithful, loyal, trustworthy, righteous, determined, lovers of the Most High God. Sometimes in our struggles we feel like King Arthur standing all alone on the hill ready to face the whole Saxon army. But I know I have reinforcements in the unseen realm. I have angels of the Lord's Army standing beside me, Holy Spirit raging in me, and the Holy Word flowing from my deep inner soul.
I want at the end of my life (I tell my kids I am living to be 103) on my gravestone it to be written "And the Legacy Begins". What are you rising for? What are you leaving behind? Pain struck, empty victims or faith filled, battle ready warriors.....
I grew up in "religion". You know, can't dance, can't wear make-up, can't go roller skating because of the satan music they play.... One day I asked my mom what I "could" do. She was speechless. Through my walk I have discovered an intimate relationship with "God". He is my Heavenly Abba, my Daddy. That may offend some, but the closeness has given me the privilege to know Him that way. Another one of my favorites is NCIS. There is a scene in season 8 where Ziva David is looking for her father. She goes to the synagogue where he is hiding out and she starts at the back of the building crying out his name. Abba, Abba, Abba..... As I watched, I heard that soft Voice say, "That is what I want My children to do. Walk into a situation, a place, enemy's territory and cry out My Name, Abba, Daddy, Father, and I will rush in." There is no fear to humble myself before Daddy who I trust. I trust Him with my life, my family, my finances, my future. He knows my pain, my joys, my tears, and my laughter.
In Robin Hood, "Rise and rise again until lambs become lions" is echoed. It is said to mean 'never give up'. In my life I have had to rise and rise again, never giving up. I lived in a household where depression was hid. I married into a family that did not accept me. I lost a child. I battled and AM completely healed of two cancers, I have been told 3 times I will die (ha). I have lost a marriage, I have walked though a horrible divorce. I have fought for my children's rights and protection. I have been accused of horrible things. I have been lied to, stabbed in the back, deceived, used, abused....BUT I rise and rise again. See, even the Word of God says a righteous man falls seven times, but he gets up again (Proverbs 24:16). We must rise and rise again. We must become lions for our generation and the generations to come.
I was texting with a family member and sharing stories of my aunt (his grandmother). In sharing life stories we encourage others by examples of warriors rising up. She had to rise and rise again to fight for her children's children's children. She is her grandson's rock, demonstration of faith here on earth, instructions on how to live life and live it boldly. Rise and rise again is for the humble, faithful, loyal, trustworthy, righteous, determined, lovers of the Most High God. Sometimes in our struggles we feel like King Arthur standing all alone on the hill ready to face the whole Saxon army. But I know I have reinforcements in the unseen realm. I have angels of the Lord's Army standing beside me, Holy Spirit raging in me, and the Holy Word flowing from my deep inner soul.
I want at the end of my life (I tell my kids I am living to be 103) on my gravestone it to be written "And the Legacy Begins". What are you rising for? What are you leaving behind? Pain struck, empty victims or faith filled, battle ready warriors.....
Thursday, April 28, 2011
At the end of my rope....
Interesting how God is not limited to how He answers prayers. I have come to the end of my rope in certain areas of my life. No hope, no movement, no answers, just a complete stand still, silence.... "Daddy, what do I do? Give me a sign of hope. HELP!" Still, I only hear silence. Then this morning, someone emails me a link. Before I opened it, Daddy whispered, "I've got this...." The answer. Circumstances have NOT changed, but there is Daddy holding me in the midst of the darkness, hope and love abounding. Below is the blog I read from David Wilkerson. I felt the need to repost it for those who are struggling through their valley of death.
"To believe when all means fail is exceedingly pleasing to God and is most acceptable. Jesus said to Thomas, “You have believed because you have seen, but blessed are those that do believe and have not seen” (John 20:29).
Blessed are those who believe when there is no evidence of an answer to prayer—who trust beyond hope when all means have failed. Someone has come to the place of hopelessness—the end of hope—the end of all means. A loved one is facing death and doctors give no hope. Death seems inevitable. Hope is gone. The miracle prayed for is not happening.
That is when satan’s hordes come to attack your mind with fear, anger, overwhelming questions: “Where is your God now? You prayed until you had no tears left. You fasted. You stood on promises. You trusted.” Blasphemous thoughts will be injected into your mind: “Prayer failed. Faith failed. Don’t quit on God—just do not trust Him anymore. It doesn’t pay!” Even questioning God’s existence will be injected into your mind. These have been the devices of satan for centuries. Some of the godliest men and women who ever lived were under such demonic attacks.
To those going through the valley and shadow of death, hear this word: Weeping will last through some dark, awful nights—and in that darkness you will soon hear the Father whisper, “I am with you. I cannot tell you why right now, but one day it will all make sense. You will see it was all part of My plan. It was no accident. It was no failure on your part. Hold fast. Let Me embrace you in your hour of pain.”
Beloved, God has never failed to act but in goodness and love. When all means fail—His love prevails. Hold fast to your faith. Stand fast in His Word. There is no other hope in this world."
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Who is my neighbor.....
This past Saturday, 62 tornadoes touched down in my state. In my community, only one life was lost. God's grace was on us. On Tuesday, about 25 people went out into one of the worse hit areas to help 'clean up'. I was not prepared for what I tried to comprehend. Less than a quarter of a mile, life was 'normal'. Then we turned down a street to what seemed to be a bombed war zone. Words cannot begin to describe what we saw.
As I came home tired, sore, and sunburned, I started thinking about the days' events, the people who couldn't go home, the ones who have no electricity, running water, roof on their home.... In my lifetime I have heard tens of thousands of sermons. Some never leave you and stand out when you are in those quiet moments. While reflecting on the days events, one came to mind. We had a guest pastor come to our church and preached on the 'good Samaritan'. (Luke 10:25-37) It was delivered in a way that stood out from the rest.
Who is my neighbor? A man was just going about his daily life when 'bam, life happened'. It was a tornado in our community. Gaukers, sight seers, drive-by nosy on-lookers came to see who was hit, damaged done, and how sad it really is. But then some 'Samaritans' rode up, got off their asses, rolled up their sleeves, and started helping. How do you help? It was overwhelming at first, but trees needed to be cut, people needed to be hugged, roofs needed to be covered, belongings needed to be removed, tears needed to be shared, meals needed to be prepared.....
We got to go home, take showers, eat hot dinners, and lay in a soft bed. There is still such a need. Just for a touch, a kind word, hot meal, to help build their lives again.....
As I came home tired, sore, and sunburned, I started thinking about the days' events, the people who couldn't go home, the ones who have no electricity, running water, roof on their home.... In my lifetime I have heard tens of thousands of sermons. Some never leave you and stand out when you are in those quiet moments. While reflecting on the days events, one came to mind. We had a guest pastor come to our church and preached on the 'good Samaritan'. (Luke 10:25-37) It was delivered in a way that stood out from the rest.
Who is my neighbor? A man was just going about his daily life when 'bam, life happened'. It was a tornado in our community. Gaukers, sight seers, drive-by nosy on-lookers came to see who was hit, damaged done, and how sad it really is. But then some 'Samaritans' rode up, got off their asses, rolled up their sleeves, and started helping. How do you help? It was overwhelming at first, but trees needed to be cut, people needed to be hugged, roofs needed to be covered, belongings needed to be removed, tears needed to be shared, meals needed to be prepared.....
Trying to salvage what they can..... |
Remember people were home.... |
Protection by the hand of God..... |
The stroller is still standing by the front door..... |
The building is totally gone, yet everything is still in the garage... |
Monday, April 18, 2011
I want a man.....
I was praying and I told God "I want a man..." God replied, "So do I." Well, that got my attention. God what do you mean? He replied, "I want real men who will stand up for My Kingdom, warriors with a passion to fight for what is right and just, to cover the body of Christ and yet so full of My Love." Oh, is that all.... So I began to meditate about this. Proverbs 20:5 says the purpose in a man's heart is like deep water.
As a home school mom, I read books before having my children read them. Thus, we can have discussions about the literature. A book was recommended for my son to read, Wild At Heart by John Eldredge. Where are the real men? Have you ever shook a man's hand and it felt like a wet noodle? Have you ever walked into a church and all the men were passive? They were 'sweet, nice men'. You mention adventure and a gleam of light comes into their eyes. You know the danger I am talking about, requisite of danger and wildness, deep longing to be like Grizzly Adams. I just saw the perfect example. Our community was hit hard by tornadoes, I called my son to tell him I volunteered him to help with clean up. As he rendezvous with other men, excitement rose...We, men, are going to chain saw the wilderness, build sturdy shelters, and make a mark on society. Albert Schweitzer said "Tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives." Exodus 15:3 states The Lord is a man of war; The Lord is His Name.
In my waiting for God to bring my husband into my life, I have been told some doozies."You are looking to hard." "God is your source, not a man (hear my heart, I know God is my source) and meets ALL your needs." "You don't need a man to complete you." I am an honorable, respectful woman, who is not going on a man hunt, bar hopping, or jumping at every single man in the room. I went to prayer and asked my Daddy. He said my husband is coming. So I believe, watch, and wait. If you pray about something, shouldn't you watch for it?! And my husband will cover me and his household, meeting the needs of the family, financial security, value, worth and love. I am looking for the gift of a husband He is bringing me. A warrior. The world kills a woman's heart when they tell her to be tough, efficient, independent, suck it up and drive on. That only leads to us being tired.
See, God is looking for warriors also. Warriors are cunning, know when to fight and when to run. They sense a trap, discern the times, never charge blindly ahead. A warrior knows what weapons to carry and how to use them. Life is an adventure to be lived. God wants not merely an adventure but an adventure to be shared. Every man is a warrior inside, but the choice to fight is his own. I want a man who will fight for me, my family, Kingdom principles, and the lost. What would Robin Hood and King Arthur be without the women they loved. Just lonely men fighting lonely battles. One of my favorite movies is King Arthur (with Clive Owens). The character Dagonet is the type of warrior/man I am talking about. The character portrays honor, loyalty, faithfulness, strength, and when he finds the young boy hurt, tenderness is shown. He tells the boy "You will not fear me." Dagonet fights the religious faction to protect the boy. Isn't that the kind of men the body of Christ needs? Me and my family needs?
Was Jesus more like Mother Teresa or William Wallace? Eldredge asks. I see Jesus as a warrior, fighting for what was just and right, turning over tables in His Father's House, picking fights with the Pharisees (healing on Sabbath, touching the unclean, calling them vipers, Luke 13:10-17), casting out demons but had compassion on the harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Remember He is the Lion of Judah.
Nothing is worth having without some kind of fight or cost. I am so glad God fought for me. I am looking for the man God is bringing to my household, who will fight also.... Heidi Bakker said "It is easy to die for Jesus but it is more difficult to live fully for Him". God wants many Dagonets. I want a Dagonet.....
As a home school mom, I read books before having my children read them. Thus, we can have discussions about the literature. A book was recommended for my son to read, Wild At Heart by John Eldredge. Where are the real men? Have you ever shook a man's hand and it felt like a wet noodle? Have you ever walked into a church and all the men were passive? They were 'sweet, nice men'. You mention adventure and a gleam of light comes into their eyes. You know the danger I am talking about, requisite of danger and wildness, deep longing to be like Grizzly Adams. I just saw the perfect example. Our community was hit hard by tornadoes, I called my son to tell him I volunteered him to help with clean up. As he rendezvous with other men, excitement rose...We, men, are going to chain saw the wilderness, build sturdy shelters, and make a mark on society. Albert Schweitzer said "Tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives." Exodus 15:3 states The Lord is a man of war; The Lord is His Name.
In my waiting for God to bring my husband into my life, I have been told some doozies."You are looking to hard." "God is your source, not a man (hear my heart, I know God is my source) and meets ALL your needs." "You don't need a man to complete you." I am an honorable, respectful woman, who is not going on a man hunt, bar hopping, or jumping at every single man in the room. I went to prayer and asked my Daddy. He said my husband is coming. So I believe, watch, and wait. If you pray about something, shouldn't you watch for it?! And my husband will cover me and his household, meeting the needs of the family, financial security, value, worth and love. I am looking for the gift of a husband He is bringing me. A warrior. The world kills a woman's heart when they tell her to be tough, efficient, independent, suck it up and drive on. That only leads to us being tired.
See, God is looking for warriors also. Warriors are cunning, know when to fight and when to run. They sense a trap, discern the times, never charge blindly ahead. A warrior knows what weapons to carry and how to use them. Life is an adventure to be lived. God wants not merely an adventure but an adventure to be shared. Every man is a warrior inside, but the choice to fight is his own. I want a man who will fight for me, my family, Kingdom principles, and the lost. What would Robin Hood and King Arthur be without the women they loved. Just lonely men fighting lonely battles. One of my favorite movies is King Arthur (with Clive Owens). The character Dagonet is the type of warrior/man I am talking about. The character portrays honor, loyalty, faithfulness, strength, and when he finds the young boy hurt, tenderness is shown. He tells the boy "You will not fear me." Dagonet fights the religious faction to protect the boy. Isn't that the kind of men the body of Christ needs? Me and my family needs?
Was Jesus more like Mother Teresa or William Wallace? Eldredge asks. I see Jesus as a warrior, fighting for what was just and right, turning over tables in His Father's House, picking fights with the Pharisees (healing on Sabbath, touching the unclean, calling them vipers, Luke 13:10-17), casting out demons but had compassion on the harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Remember He is the Lion of Judah.
Nothing is worth having without some kind of fight or cost. I am so glad God fought for me. I am looking for the man God is bringing to my household, who will fight also.... Heidi Bakker said "It is easy to die for Jesus but it is more difficult to live fully for Him". God wants many Dagonets. I want a Dagonet.....
Thursday, April 7, 2011
An Outcast....
Heard a song today. I have heard it a few times and really liked it. It was almost a drawing towards it. So I looked up the lyrics and it describes ME. It made me think about my life, past and present. It made me ponder questions that resonated in my spirit. Do I stand my ground? The Words He has given me, do I fight for them? At what cost? Do I give in?
My whole life, I have been different... I have never "fit in" or been the "popular" one. Only because of maturity is there now a filter on what I speak out loud. But in my intimate times, Daddy and I have had some interesting conversations. So the first fight (yes I said first, there were others) I was in was because a girl said I was always smiling. When I stood up to her, ducked on her first punch, but made contact between my fist and her cheek, we became close friends. She told me I was the first girl to not take her 'crap' and stand up for who I was. How many times does the enemy throw punches and we compromise while taking his 'crap'. We are to stand up for what we believe.
As an adult, do I still get into fights? You bet! My relationship with my Daddy is always under attack from the enemy. I have to fight to spend time in prayer, soaking, reading His Word, talking, or just being with Him on a moment by moment basis. Sometimes I say things that cut and offend others. I support issues close to His heart that are, in today society, controversial. (Pro Life, Man & Woman Marriages, His Word is Truth)
As for my family, totally! I walked through a very painful and ugly divorce. I fought for my children, I fought against abuse, I fought for wholeness in our lives. This is a moment by moment effort because the fight is still going on. Covering the family with prayer, love, joy, security, and hope.
As for my health, absolutely! By His stripes I am healed... I have been healed of two cancers: Choriocarcinoma and Leukemia. I have been told three times I was going to die. I have fought, and still fighting, thyroid disease, adrenal fatigue, and celiac disease. HA, they don't know who my Daddy is! I am healed. I declare it daily.
In 2 Timothy 4:7, Paul states, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have remained faithful..." What I am living for is so much better than what the world has to offer. I don't follow all the rules 'they' make, I don't sugar coat what is undeniable, I am an outcast. What I believe makes me strong because in Him the weak are strong.
My whole life, I have been different... I have never "fit in" or been the "popular" one. Only because of maturity is there now a filter on what I speak out loud. But in my intimate times, Daddy and I have had some interesting conversations. So the first fight (yes I said first, there were others) I was in was because a girl said I was always smiling. When I stood up to her, ducked on her first punch, but made contact between my fist and her cheek, we became close friends. She told me I was the first girl to not take her 'crap' and stand up for who I was. How many times does the enemy throw punches and we compromise while taking his 'crap'. We are to stand up for what we believe.
As an adult, do I still get into fights? You bet! My relationship with my Daddy is always under attack from the enemy. I have to fight to spend time in prayer, soaking, reading His Word, talking, or just being with Him on a moment by moment basis. Sometimes I say things that cut and offend others. I support issues close to His heart that are, in today society, controversial. (Pro Life, Man & Woman Marriages, His Word is Truth)
As for my family, totally! I walked through a very painful and ugly divorce. I fought for my children, I fought against abuse, I fought for wholeness in our lives. This is a moment by moment effort because the fight is still going on. Covering the family with prayer, love, joy, security, and hope.
As for my health, absolutely! By His stripes I am healed... I have been healed of two cancers: Choriocarcinoma and Leukemia. I have been told three times I was going to die. I have fought, and still fighting, thyroid disease, adrenal fatigue, and celiac disease. HA, they don't know who my Daddy is! I am healed. I declare it daily.
In 2 Timothy 4:7, Paul states, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have remained faithful..." What I am living for is so much better than what the world has to offer. I don't follow all the rules 'they' make, I don't sugar coat what is undeniable, I am an outcast. What I believe makes me strong because in Him the weak are strong.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
A Miracle....
On Sunday, while being fed meat, the Word was so savory that all week I have mediated on it. The passage was from Luke 8:22-40. Talk about left turns. Jesus tells His guys, "Let's go across the lake." Jesus knew what was before them. So they got in the boat. These were fishermen. They were afraid, so that tells me it was one heck of a storm. In my life, I am confident in who I am and my purpose. But sometimes storms come and I am totally afraid. But just like the guys in the boat, I know where to run, who to shake, how to cry out to... My Daddy ALWAYS answers me! They land and a naked crazed man is their greeting committee. (I try to avoid those kind of men) But he needed what the guys in the boat needed...a miracle!
It is interesting that the guys in the boat and the demoniac needed a miracle, a life changing event to happen immediately. They ran to Jesus. They received. But it is amazing how the people around them acted, friends, family, townspeople, local church, they demanded that Jesus leave. They liked the way things were. Some people in your life don't want you to have a miracle. They don't want change. Jesus went through a storm and came across a lake for one man, who need of desperation was so great that only a radical miracle was the solution. That is love. My Daddy comes when I have a need. See, I run to Him because He is in my boat, He is on the shore of my chaos. I believe in Jesus with every ounce of energy in me, but sometimes I have to cry out, humble myself, and ask for Daddy to help with my unbelief. That is when I am stretched. My need is daily.
I am so blessed to belong to an intimate family. I am believing for life changing events to happen immediately. I need daily miracles. I belong to Daddy, Abba!
It is interesting that the guys in the boat and the demoniac needed a miracle, a life changing event to happen immediately. They ran to Jesus. They received. But it is amazing how the people around them acted, friends, family, townspeople, local church, they demanded that Jesus leave. They liked the way things were. Some people in your life don't want you to have a miracle. They don't want change. Jesus went through a storm and came across a lake for one man, who need of desperation was so great that only a radical miracle was the solution. That is love. My Daddy comes when I have a need. See, I run to Him because He is in my boat, He is on the shore of my chaos. I believe in Jesus with every ounce of energy in me, but sometimes I have to cry out, humble myself, and ask for Daddy to help with my unbelief. That is when I am stretched. My need is daily.
I am so blessed to belong to an intimate family. I am believing for life changing events to happen immediately. I need daily miracles. I belong to Daddy, Abba!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Trust….five letter put together that could build a strong life or destroy a community. So what is trust really? Here are a few quotes: Trust is letting go of needing to know all the details before you open your heart. Author Unknown. “I cannot trust a man to control others who cannot control himself.” Robert E. Lee. “Trust, but verify.” Ronald Reagan. “I really can’t trust someone that always is right, but I know I can trust someone who is willing to be wrong.” Jack Frost. Definition is firm belief in the reliability or strength of someone or something. Lexicon states it is to set one’s hope and confidence upon.
It seems that as we walk through our daily life trust is one of the main ingredients. When trust is broken, only God can heal. Proverbs 3: 5-6 Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. So what does THAT really mean?
I believe trust is when you completely let go of everything and fall so intimately and deeply in love with God. You feel what He is feeling, see what He is seeing, hear what He is hearing, smell what He is smelling, taste what He is tasting, and say what He is saying. Someone once told me that they were in ‘denial’. They are in denial to satan, their ONLY reality is God. The Kingdom reality is where they want to live and dwell. Spending time, talking, romancing, laughing, recognizing, acknowledging, and being with God ALL the time, in every moment (awake and in dreams), is where trust becomes a part of your being. It becomes our insight, our understanding. Then when you are blindsided by life, you know that you know, your trust and hope is in God and there is peace. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Creator calls a butterfly.
A father told his daughter to hold his hand. The little girl said, “No, You hold my hand.” The father inquired what was the difference. The daughter said, “If I hold your hand, chances are that I may let go. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, YOU will never let my hand go.” I know that my Daddy is holding my hand and the essence of trust is in that bond.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Interesting how God will set you up, in a good way, of course. I had my tat prophetically spoken over. Yes, the Tattoo Prophet told me the spiritual insight of me inking my body. As I mulled over and over what was said, I realize we do NOTHING in our lives without a Holy thread running through it.
My tat is very simple, but in God's viewpoint, very rich with heritage and anointing. He described a LOVE that has been a mantle in my family for generations. It runs deep and wide. Many attacks have been launched against this LOVE. Many assaults have weakened it at times. Division, divorce, strife, grudges, death have tried to rip it from the roots of where it originated. It is a Spirit of Adoption, graphed into the Body of Jesus Christ. A rich LOVE that will never die, never surrender to the enemy, unbreakable, full of life and joy.
See, I remember my mom telling me stories when I was younger of my great grandmother. She was a petite, strong, energetic woman. She lived simple and was poor according to the world's standards. She was a farmer's wife. But at night, my mom and her sister would sneak into my great grandmother's room and hide under the bed. Great grandmother would come in, place a candle on her bedside table, gentle open her worn torn Bible and begin. She would read the Precious Scriptures aloud, speak in a different language, then she would call each family member by name. "Heavenly Father, lead Cliff, Bernice, Bettye, Marjorie (my mom), Trent, and Dale in Your Holy Path. Let them walk daily with You. Let each of my grandchildren's children walk with You. Let my great grandchildren and my great great grandchildren walk daily with You. For all generations to come." The room would be warm, cozy, inviting, and glowing with the Presence of God. My mom and her sister would fall asleep listening to the intimate LOVE that a Creator and His creation shared.
My great grandmother not only prayed for my salvation but my children's children. I have a heritage of LOVE. I have a root that goes so deep, no wonder the enemy tries to destroy it. She had no idea the rough, heartbreaking events that would carve my life and my children's lives. But she did know if she prayed, her faithful Heavenly Father would answer her prayers.
Well my tat states that for the world to see visibly. I now pray that the world will also see it spiritually. The questions that lay at hand are, will I continue to pray for the third and fourth generations to come? Will I soak in His Word, pray in a different language, call forth generations to rise and be warriors, to fulfill their destiny in the Kingdom? As I meditate on this, I ask you the same questions. Are you calling forth the generations that will come from you? What kind of heritage and legacy are you leaving for your great grandchildren? None of us live for ourselves.....
Friday, March 25, 2011
My First
This is all new to me...blogging. Through my whole life, God has always had me make left turns. Let me explain. Major events in my life have not been an easy right hand turn into traffic where you look to the left, merge slowly into traffic and continue to accelerate. No, I have had to cross at least four lanes of heavy traffic, dodging on coming cars, semis, vans, motorcycles, trucks, swerving this way and that way, questioning if this was really the hand of God, and finally 'gunning' it to make it into the opposite flowing lanes. As I get my vehicle (life) straighten out on the road, it looks like a peaceful Sunday drive. THEN God says turn left. Here we go again.
I am a single mom, raising teenagers. I love this part of my life. Full of excitement, adventure, emotions, and love. My children are awesome. I have raise independent thinkers, who know the most important thing is life is "knowing" God intimately. This has not been an easy road.
Last weekend I was sitting at a conference enjoying the prophetic teaching, when the speaker said, "There are people in this room who are supposed to write, even if it a blog." Well can I tell you, Holy Spirit about knocked me out of my chair. I heard, "I have given you a name for this blog, "Another Left Turn". So this is my journey. I will share my past, my future, and my present. Hopefully, others will be touched.
So come along on a joy ride...it is never dull when riding with me!
I am a single mom, raising teenagers. I love this part of my life. Full of excitement, adventure, emotions, and love. My children are awesome. I have raise independent thinkers, who know the most important thing is life is "knowing" God intimately. This has not been an easy road.
Last weekend I was sitting at a conference enjoying the prophetic teaching, when the speaker said, "There are people in this room who are supposed to write, even if it a blog." Well can I tell you, Holy Spirit about knocked me out of my chair. I heard, "I have given you a name for this blog, "Another Left Turn". So this is my journey. I will share my past, my future, and my present. Hopefully, others will be touched.
So come along on a joy ride...it is never dull when riding with me!
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