What is love? When you think of movies, which love stories pop into your mind? Sappy ones, trials and overcoming odds, fighting for your beloved.... How does one fall 'into' love? Is it a puddle? Sinkhole? River? Is it unconditional? Life-giving? Completion? When courting that 'one true one', I instill into my children to love spirit, soul, and body. AND in that order. Connect on a spiritual level first (the most important). Do you believe the same things? Do you know Him in an intimate way that He is the cord that binds you together? Do you pray together, discuss spiritual matters, soak in His Presence together and go to Him first with all decisions affecting your relationship? On the soul level, do you inspire each other to greatness, encourage each other, dream together, feel safe and secure with one another, have trust, loyalty, kindness, and patience? Then on the wedding night, connect in the most physical, intimate way that God intended.
Whew! I did that in less than 100 words. Easy as can be! Blahahahahahahahahahaha..... That is far from easy. I do believe that we have been sold a bunch of bologna from Hollywood on how love is supposed to look, feel, be, and develop. Don't panic, there is a perfect example for us to follow and not only grow in love but to let is spill out on to others, whether they deserve it or not.
Love is patient, not demanding. It holds your hand to bring security, reassurance in every situation. Love is kind. Kind is having and showing friendly, generous, and considerate nature. It comes natural, not forced. Love is not jealous or envious. There is no resentment or suspicion in the relationship. Always be honest and truthful. Love never boast or is proud. When I think about boasting an image of an 8 year old brat standing with their hands on their hips chanting "Na na, I won, you didn't!" Not attractive! We are to walk humbly not putting ourselves above others and making them feel less. Love is never rude. Here me carefully, NO ONE should ever degrade, slander, or belittle you in public or private. That is abuse and those scars go deeper than physical scars. Love does not demand its own way. Love allows others to grow and flourish, not demanding and controlling. Love is not irritable. Irritable is being annoyed and angered. Love has no place for that. Love keeps no record of wrongs. When forgiveness is sought, the trespass is never remembered again nor slammed in the person's face to make a point. Love rejoices in truth not injustice. It stands for the underdog, reaches down and lifts someone up, and is build upon the foundation of truth. Love never gives up. No matter how bad, horrible, terrifying, difficult the situation is, LOVE is there! Love never loses faith and is always hopeful. It has confidence and trust in the person, knowing they can overcome any obstacle. It is believing and hoping in others. Love endures through every circumstance. Every circumstance!! Sickness, health, child birth, death, lack, riches, war, peace, frustration, joys, every circumstance love is there. Love last forever. Hhmm, then that means one cannot 'fall' out of love. It last, endure, is complete.
Interesting that not once is sex, physical touching, or ooey gooey stuff mentioned. How do you walk this love out? True, agape love, can only be expressed and fulfilled by knowing Jesus Christ in an intimate way. Not having rules and regulations, but having a life-giving relationship, in which His love flows through you and to others. Then and only then can I stand next to a battered woman, thrown on the streets by an abusive husband, and love unconditionally. Then and only then can I love, forgive, and release someone who raped a young teenager. Then and only then can I raise children to impact a love starved world. Then and only then can I love my husband in an intimate, physical, emotional love that will encourage and stand beside him no matter what comes our way. Then and only then can I even begin to grasp the magnitude of love my Savior, Deliverer, King, Lord had towards me on Calvary. 1 John 4:19 states "We love Him because He first loved us."
The link below is from one of my favorite "love stories" about true love.
Making left turns in life while holding tightly to God's hand.... Enjoy the joy ride!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Shut up! You are not doing enough! Why can't you be on time? Hey did you hear what 'she' did? I don't HAVE to listen to you. Back stabbing.... arguing... snapping.... demanding....sharp tones....
Holy Spirit has an incredible unique way of showing what I need to be praying and developing in my life. Grace!!! He has been showing me heart wrenching situations where His children are not walking in grace. I have wept over some of them. Shook my head at others. Wanted to scream at even more. We need GRACE!
What is grace....I immediately hear what has been drilled in me over my Christian walk. Wait, let me see if I get this right: Unmerited favor of God seen in the life of the believer. But I think it is MORE than that. There are many definitions and as I get greater insight from Daddy, I see that.
Refinement of movement....wow, Christ was hanging on a cross and grace was applied as He is struggling to inhale and exhale. Grace to lead someone to Paradise. Grace to forgive the ones who just drove nails into His loving hands. Courteous....A woman was caught in the act of sex, ripped out of the room, hurled at the feet of the Messiah. He bends down and writes in the sand. Her accusers leave. Gently with courteous, respectfulness, cradle her hand, picks her up and forgives. Grace made her whole. Goodwill....A young teen finds herself in a situation and needs a friend. Her helpful Aunt comforts, encourages and exhorts her to trust in Yahweh. She brings forth the Deliverer who will one day deliver her. Grace is there in a friend, being helpful in a time of uncertainty. No criticism or harsh words. Free....Hungry, hot, but so thirsty, not just for water but for every word Jesus spoke. An awesome mom packed her son a lunch so he could hear and gleam from the Words of Life. He shares it so others may have food and 5000 are fed. Grace is giving of what one has even if they don't think it is much. Divinely given blessing....A daughter is given as a prize for a noble and brave deed. As her husband and her ride into the sunset, she stops, dismounts from her donkey and her father meets her. Is something wrong? The daughter asks for a spring to supply her household. Grace steps in. Her father cradles her face and grants her the upper and lower springs. Thus, NO one will ever be able to control her household by stopping the flow of water. Grace continues the life giving flow.
Honor....No matter what the ruling king did, said, or thought, David honored Saul. David would not harm nor allow others to harm Saul because God places all authority over us. When Saul died, David grieved. Grace brings honor no matter if the person deserves it or not.
O Lord I NEED so much help. I need only God-given grace to walk this out as a mom. I need to cover my children, to be there and hold their hands as THEY make life defining decisions. I must give them security, respect, honor, and bless them so they can impact the world. I need only God-given grace to walk this out as a teacher and co-worker. I need to give moments for others to make mistakes, to cover with love, to give freedom for growth, and to let others shine. I must not judge, criticize, or be impatient but to comfort, exhort, and always encourage. I need only God-given grace to walk through life . I need to see people with love and compassion. To only look down at someone as I am giving them my hand to help them stand back up on their feet. To share life, laughs, tears, help, hold, to just be there. Grace!!!
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