Saturday, October 20, 2012


I love this time of year.... The smells, the colors, the crispness of the air.  I went to the pumpkin patch today.  How fun it was to watching little ones trying to pick out the 'perfect' pumpkin.  Take time today to thank Daddy for season changes (Spiritual and literal).  Take time to smell, see, taste, hear, and feel the autumn around you.  Go on a hay ride, make hot apple cider, cuddle by a bon fire, enjoy life......

Friday, October 12, 2012


Is Chivalry dead?  Are single women not supposed to look for the knights in shining armor?  What about a gentleman holding the door for a woman?  A kind word, faithful to your word, or loyalty?  It amazes me how some men expect you to do their work even though you are a woman.  Being a single mom I have many of these.  Short example: I was working three jobs to make ends meet.  I needed my yard mowed.  My son, at that time was little and not heavy enough to keep the mower running.  I made a comment about it and a 'man' turned to me and said, "I will come over and SHOW you how to mow your yard then you can DO it yourself from now on!"  Really?!  I promptly told him no thanks.

So what is Chivalry by definition... A moral system that stated all knights should protect others who can not protect themselves.  Knights not only had to be strong but they were also extremely disciplined and were expected to use their power to protect the weak and defenseless.  Knights vowed to be loyal, generous, and "noble bearing."  Knights were required to tell the truth at all times and always respect the honor of women.  Knights were to fear God and maintain His Church.  Knights always kept their faith and never turned their back on a foe.  They were gallant warriors or gentlemen.  Is this gone? I believe there are a select few who still hold to this truth.  The Word of God emphasizes that a father or husband covers and protects his wife/daughters/women in society.  

And Caleb said, "I will give my daughter Acsah in marriage to the man who attacks and captures Kiriath Sepher."  Othniel, son of Kenaz, Caleb's younger brother, took it; so Caleb gave his daughter, Acsah to him in marriage.  One day when she came to Othniel, she urged him to ask her father for a field.  When she got off her donkey, Caleb asked her, "What can I do for you?"  She replied, "Do me a special favor.  Since you have given me land in the Negev, give me also springs of water."  Then Caleb gave her the upper and lower springs (Joshua 15:16-19)....Why did he give her the upper and lower springs.  Because Caleb was a different standard of man.  He knew if he only gave her the lower, then anyone could come and control her.  How?  By cutting off the water supply that flowed down from the upper spring.  By giving her both he gave her security, love, value, and destiny.  Caleb honored her.  

In the New Testament, Jesus shows us no matter what is happening in your life, you protect women.  He is being crucified and He so gently looks at His mother and tells her John will be her covering.  She is well taken care of .  

So why am I rambling on?  I want men to be men.  You say you are coming by at a certain time to help, be there ON TIME (not 5 hours later).  If you are helping a woman with mechanical problems, don't expect her to get under the hood to fix a problem you should have done.  

Last weekend it was pouring so hard we had to use the rapid setting on the windshield wipers.  A young teenage girl had ran out of gas in the middle of one of the busiest intersections in our town.  My son and daughter immediately jumped out of our car to help push her to safety.  An elderly woman stopped to help also.  After the car was pushed into a parking lot entrance, one other man jumped out to help.  I literally watched 20-30 cars with men in them go by us.  What happened to "expected to use their power to protect the weak and defenseless."  What if that had been your daughter?! 

I encourage men to be men.  Dads to be dads.  Fathers to be fathers.  Friends to be friends.  Spiritual fathers to be Spiritual fathers.  Speaking from experience, it is utterly frustrating and makes one feel helpless.  Security is one of the greatest gifts you could ever give.....

Monday, October 8, 2012

Determining factors.....

Interesting how events in our lives impact generations to come.  Many times we pigeon hole ourselves to believe we can only do one thing in life.  "What do you want to do when you grow up" is often asked in school to determine the path you will walk down.  What if...there are many things you are suppose to do.  When I was growing up, my parents worked for General Motors.  They worked 40 hour weeks, had three weeks paid vacation and holidays off.  We planned our lives around their job.  In the summer we would pack up a 32 foot RV and hit the road.  I have had the rare opportunity to see 42 of our 50 states.  At the end of the vacation, 'back to the ole grind' my dad use to say.  But what if it didn't have to be that way? What if we are to live adventurous lives, see every situation as an opportunity, and impact generations.

I believe every decision we make, no matter how big or small, will direct the future.  Example, a teacher made a decision to move back to California last November.  Because of her decision, an opportunity for me to step back into teaching opened up.  From that decision I sought Daddy's direction for my life if I was to sign a contact for the following year.  I heard yes.  So I continued on that path.  Now I have fallen in love with nine precious little lives, instructing, nurturing, and sometimes pushing them to become strong Godly adults.  They in turn are taking their knowledge and touching lives around them.  

Another example is a friend of mine believed Daddy was directing him down a certain path.  He had written the vision down, had agreement with his wife, and covered it with prayer.  Circumstances changed with the church he was attending and his whole dream crumbled before his eyes.  He immediately hit his knees and asked God if he 'missed' it.  Daddy spoke to his heart in a profound way. Sometimes others' decisions can change the direction of your path.  Decisions impact generations.

What if...Joseph didn't believe in his dreams.  What if...Moses didn't believe his destiny came from a burning bush.  What if...Rahab thought all she could be was a prostitute.  What if...A certain man had 'put away' his betrothed wife who was pregnant with the Messiah.  What if...You never consider the importance of following your God given dreams....

So what is my point....We should take nothing lightly.  Everything we do touches generations to come. I am not here just by chance or because of a cosmic bang.  I have purpose, destiny, and I make a difference.  And so do you.....

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Hard times.............

So I was encouraged to blog on a more regular basis today. This year has been so hard, full of disappointments, loss, pain, hurt, healing, changes........many times I wonder, "Do people really want to know about what life has thrown at me?"  I guess it is the lessons learned along the way.  As I was sitting in church today, I realized there are things missing in my life.  Important things, but God's grace is sufficient.  There are moments where I feel so intimately connected with my Daddy and other times like I am out there flapping. But if I continue to look to Him, hold tight to His hand, each step counts. Hopefully, I can help others along my journey....................