Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Trust….five letter put together that could build a strong life or destroy a community.  So what is trust really?  Here are a few quotes: Trust is letting go of needing to know all the details before you open your heart.  Author Unknown.  “I cannot trust a man to control others who cannot control himself.” Robert E. Lee.  “Trust, but verify.” Ronald Reagan.  “I really can’t trust someone that always is right, but I know I can trust someone who is willing to be wrong.” Jack Frost.  Definition is firm belief in the reliability or strength of someone or something. Lexicon states it is to set one’s hope and confidence upon.  

It seems that as we walk through our daily life trust is one of the main ingredients.  When trust is broken, only God can heal.  Proverbs 3: 5-6 Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.  So what does THAT really mean?

I believe trust is when you completely let go of everything and fall so intimately and deeply in love with God.  You feel what He is feeling, see what He is seeing, hear what He is hearing, smell what He is smelling, taste what He is tasting, and say what He is saying.  Someone once told me that they were in ‘denial’.  They are in denial to satan, their ONLY reality is God.  The Kingdom reality is where they want to live and dwell.  Spending time, talking, romancing, laughing, recognizing, acknowledging, and being with God ALL the time, in every moment (awake and in dreams), is where trust becomes a part of your being.  It becomes our insight, our understanding. Then when you are blindsided by life, you know that you know, your trust and hope is in God and there is peace.  What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Creator calls a butterfly. 

A father told his daughter to hold his hand.  The little girl said, “No, You hold my hand.”  The father inquired what was the difference.  The daughter said, “If I hold your hand, chances are that I may let go.  But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, YOU will never let my hand go.” I know that my Daddy is holding my hand and the essence of trust is in that bond.  


Saturday, March 26, 2011


Interesting how God will set you up, in a good way, of course.  I had my tat prophetically spoken over.  Yes, the Tattoo Prophet told me the spiritual insight of me inking my body.  As I mulled over and over what was said, I realize we do NOTHING in our lives without a Holy thread running through it.  

My tat is very simple, but in God's viewpoint, very rich with heritage and anointing.  He described a LOVE that has been a mantle in my family for generations.  It runs deep and wide.  Many attacks have been launched against this LOVE.  Many assaults have weakened it at times.  Division, divorce, strife, grudges, death have tried to rip it from the roots of where it originated.  It is a Spirit of Adoption, graphed into the Body of Jesus Christ.  A rich LOVE that will never die, never surrender to the enemy, unbreakable, full of life and joy.  

See, I remember my mom telling me stories when I was younger of my great grandmother.  She was a petite, strong, energetic woman.  She lived simple and was poor according to the world's standards.  She was a farmer's wife.  But at night, my mom and her sister would sneak into my great grandmother's room and hide under the bed.  Great grandmother would come in, place a candle on her bedside table, gentle open her worn torn Bible and begin.  She would read the Precious Scriptures aloud, speak in a different language, then she would call each family member by name.  "Heavenly Father, lead Cliff, Bernice, Bettye, Marjorie (my mom), Trent, and Dale in Your Holy Path.  Let them walk daily with You.  Let each of my grandchildren's children walk with You.  Let my great grandchildren and my great great grandchildren walk daily with You.  For all generations to come." The room would be warm, cozy, inviting, and glowing with the Presence of God.  My mom and her sister would fall asleep listening to the intimate LOVE that a Creator and His creation shared.  

My great grandmother not only prayed for my salvation but my children's children.  I have a heritage of LOVE.  I have a root that goes so deep, no wonder the enemy tries to destroy it.  She had no idea the rough, heartbreaking events that would carve my life and my children's lives.  But she did know if she prayed, her faithful Heavenly Father would answer her prayers.

Well my tat states that for the world to see visibly.  I now pray that the world will also see it spiritually.  The questions that lay at hand are, will I continue to pray for the third and fourth generations to come?  Will I soak in His Word, pray in a different language, call forth generations to rise and be warriors, to fulfill their destiny in the Kingdom?  As I meditate on this, I ask you the same questions.  Are you calling forth the generations that will come from you?  What kind of heritage and legacy are you leaving for your great grandchildren?   None of us live for ourselves.....

Friday, March 25, 2011

My First

This is all new to me...blogging.  Through my whole life, God has always had me make left turns.  Let me explain.  Major events in my life have not been an easy right hand turn into traffic where you look to the left, merge slowly into traffic and continue to accelerate.  No, I have had to cross at least four lanes of heavy traffic, dodging on coming cars, semis, vans, motorcycles, trucks, swerving this way and that way, questioning if this was really the hand of God, and finally 'gunning' it to make it into the opposite flowing lanes.  As I get my vehicle (life) straighten out on the road, it looks like a peaceful Sunday drive.  THEN God says turn left.  Here we go again.

I am a single mom, raising teenagers.  I love this part of my life.  Full of excitement, adventure, emotions, and love.  My children are awesome.  I have raise independent thinkers, who know the most important thing is life is "knowing" God intimately.  This has not been an easy road.

Last weekend I was sitting at a conference enjoying the prophetic teaching, when the speaker said, "There are people in this room who are supposed to write, even if it a blog."  Well can I tell you, Holy Spirit about knocked me out of my chair.  I heard, "I have given you a name for this blog, "Another Left Turn".  So this is my journey.  I will share my past, my future, and my present.  Hopefully, others will be touched.

So come along on a joy is never dull when riding with me!